Keep getting alerts about Sudan. US Embassy evacuated.
Commercial on the movie Passion of Christ. Brutal. It doesn’t lessen the loss but remember this. You could not foresee the accident. Unless you could foresee the accident and let her go anyways, which you did not.. It’s not your fault.
dbbaba2 @ 15:17…Thank You for your response and prayers.
You said “when we meet Him face to face”….which we all will in time, and maybe much sooner than any of us realize. My intuition tells me you have suffered a loss or losses during this Plandemic, so you are closer than others here who have maybe not yet made the connection between the jabbs and the deaths already arrived or soon to come. so maybe they are just willfully blind…or maybe they don’t care what they do to hurt others. It’s pretty easy to recognize those who know what they are doing to others, either physically or financially, and keep on doing it anyway, do not believe there is a God who will judge all their sins as they stand before Him…..and by that time it will be too late to save or help them….so all we can do is try to open their eyes and hope something we say or do gets through to them so they have time to do something about it . All The Best from Silverngold
There are support groups that help survivors get through a tragic event.
What happens to many even if it may seem irrational to others blame themselves or have survivors guilt. They can’t get past it and replay it in their mind over and over or imagine a different scenario that could of prevented it.
They also can immerse themselves in their work as you did as a sort of denial, and escape coping mechanism. As my younger brother said after losing his wife over a sudden illness “ you never think it’s going to happen to you.”
I think the woman who told you a message will come to you in a song was spiritual and realized that even though you were dealing with this alone and going through survivors guilt you may still have but the pain gets a little easier in time. All that comes from caring for someone who you thought you’d spend your life with until then, giving you a sense of helplessness. That even though you immersed yourself in necessary work you were not alone, she would reach out to you. In a song.
My heart and prayers goes out to you. God is so real and he loves us more then our ability to understand. We will only understand when we meet Him face to face.
Since we’re in a kind of nostalgia morning (mourning) today, here’s a “not so Silverngold” moment of my own.
March 3, 1994 I kissed my wife goodbye as she headed for town 50 miles away to run some errands, do some shopping, and return with some much needed medicine for our cattle. I was working outside when about 20 minutes later I heard sirens from the highway across the river but I thought nothing about it at the time. Later in the morning I learned there had been a fatal accident between a logging truck and a car, and my wife was the fatality. My life would never be the same again.
That night a young couple who lived close to where the accident had taken place came to the ranch with some much appreciated food and their condolences, and as they were about to leave the lady pulled me aside and said “I have a message for you from a Higher Power. You will be hearing from your wife in a song”. I thanked her but knew I had no time for music so I immediately dismissed her message as nothing but kind well meant words of comfort. I had 250 cows to feed, I was in the midst of calving, I was also the dump contractor for three local communities which required me to drive 15 miles twice daily to unlock and lock the dump entry/access gate, and I had just lost my wife who had always helped me with all these things…so no to that message that I’d hear from her in a song!
Next morning after feeding my cows, as usual I headed for the dump to unlock the gate, turned on the truck radio, and the first thing that came on was the news of my wife’s death, immediately followed by this song.
I had a very hard time getting the truck stopped and off the highway…and I was pretty late getting the gate unlocked that morning… but I have never again not believed in that Higher Power which is GOD. Since that experience I have had so many more….but they are all for another time. All the Best from Silverngold
They would of got me with that score when I was looking and negotiating with realtors and they’re all to happy when they run it but actually it’s 680 or the top percent.
I saw it on Fox but what the constitution doesn’t see is anyone speaking up on its behalf.
Since even Fox won’t reference it at least they could do is find out the sneaky losers behind the scenes trying to destroy this country and trying to make right wrong and wrong right.
They already succeeded with Biden who already surrendered and we know he doesn’t have the cognitive ability to be making all this BS up. At least they could do is expose them and their puppet masters.
Just one of those funny coincidences
Continuing our exposure of rock’n’roll stars assuming the role of biomedical fascist, washed-up rock star Gene Simmons of KISS fame recently suffered an unidentified health emergency on stage so severe that the show had to be canceled mid-performance
Please Please Please!
Feds Now Eyeing Multiple Felony Charges Against Hunter Biden; IRS Whistleblower Story Grows Legs
“81%” We’re in deep doo doo!
That’s good to know. As they get better at it and who knows what technology they can discover by then and beyond and hopefully get it to places around the world that need it maybe make it more affordable and reliable unlike what they have now and government supplemented for some kinda trade for the poorest. If they could focus more on the good of the world instead of evil and endless wars.
I’ve discovered the reason why the country is doomed
I took a poll, one of the question asked whether Microsoft News was trustworthy.
81% of the respondents said yes, they were either somewhat or very trustworthy.
I say 100% of there news is slanted left and always anti-Trump.
You all are so lucky to have me here. What other psycho would talk to himself all day long in public?
Goldie re: Nuclear
They have made significant headway on the Small Modular Reactors, the first one will be built at the Idaho National Lab. They are also in the process mostly of developing a mini reactor that is roughly the size of a home generator-mostly for military resupply activity. I expect these technologies to be in use by 2030.
Your friend might do better getting a small freezer make ice and put it in a good cooler that can last days. The ice will freeze faster if he puts half the water in ice trays instead of all and just stack them then put them in plastic bags.
Use solar with battery packs too.
I don’t know why they can’t make smaller nuclear facilities like mini ones scattered about away from people to provide electricity to these places other than getting the kind of people that could run them to live there.
Still it’s the price to the people that some still can’t afford it. Some places like Africa, the Amazon, they don’t even use money to live. I got invited to study in the Amazon for a summer and would like to go and would if headed straight to the tribes medicine men to learn their way but I couldn’t go.
ipso facto @ 0:54
Unfortunately, I can not only imagine it…. it has already happened to JFK and others. I worry about Trump and hope he complies with all the security he can muster. The deep state has tried everything else to eliminate him, and I fear the ‘wetware’ hunters may be their last resort.
goldielocks @ 23:22 – Electricity
I have a ham radio friend that lives part time in Hilo, and part time down in Micronesia where he has a house on Yap island. He’s a government telecom consultant there that set up shortwave radio communications at the schools on the scattered islands of the region. Yap has a population of 11,000 and electricity is provided by diesel generators. Cost is about $1.20 per kilowatt-hour. Most cannot afford electricity. He has a small half size refrigerator that he only plugs in when absolutely necessary if he has food to keep. He says it will eat his wallet faster than he can eat the food.
Heck, even here in the jungles of Hawaii island maybe half the ‘homes’ are off-grid with catchment water supply.
Maya @ 22:29
That’s quite a story! Having something like that happen is sure to give someone a different outlook on life.
” It’s only a cartoon until it isn’t.” Sobering thought. Can we imagine the like happening is the good ole USA?
That brings up a subject of electricity. There’s people over there that still don’t use electricity. Not just there either and they want to go cashless.
Back in the 90s they had a big volcano go off. I called to make sure my girl over there was okay but luckily she wasn’t in harms way.
Years later I mentioned that volcano to a Filipino nurse I worked with. She told me a funny story. She was one of the nurses in charge like paramedics here of treating people. There were people in the mountains who would come down during the volcano she would monitor. They weren’t all compliant with their medicine they were to take at noon. Their reason they told her was because they tell time by the sun and with the volcano there’s no sun.
There’s like a billion people who still live without electricity and they want to cashless.
I wonder if we’re doing them a favor getting these people electricity and how are they going to afford it? They may be the only ones who could survive a wcs.
That was a very close call. They treated the Filipinos horribly. They took a bunch of them and put them on a sub and pulled out to the ocean to shark infested waters then dived leaving them in water. Just cruel things. My grandfather was over there. He said the locals would ask to borrow their weapons but he didn’t let them. And unfortunately you couldn’t trust anyone. You didn’t know who was your enemy or not. That’s where they hid the bomb and assembled it.
I was sponsor for a little girl in the Philippines, she was a great kid. I picked a girl because they had to pay to go to school so figured the boys got the priority, Then came asking for extra things like pots and pans because they only had one pot for cooking and they had to boil water before drinking. Wanting more money on some holidays like Easter than I was spending and think exchange rate on top of it. The the father kept having more kids he couldn’t afford. I finally gave up sending money as I only had two kids left to support and becoming a widow supporting myself out of three one already on his own at 18 by then and this guy had 7 kids so far he couldn’t support. If I could if afforded more I would if had my own baseball team but couldn’t. I told her what ever happens its not her fault. I made sure another was taking over.
ipso facto @ 9:44
I knew a filipino gent here, patriarch of a large family with six children. After Papa retired, some family would ask him if he wanted to travel to the Philippines to visit his boyhood home. Papa always answered ‘No. Too many bad memories back there’. One day I pressed him and asked ‘Why?’.
1945 Papa was 14 years old. The war was on, and the Japanese invaded the Philippines. Papa and his father were captured by the Japanese soldiers who were rounding up the men & boys who might give them trouble. They were taken to prison camp where the Japanese were executing them… hanging from a flagpole so as to not waste bullets. Papa found himself in a lineup of prisoners, watching as his neighbors and friends in front of him in line were hung. Can you imagine this at 14 years old??
Papa was about number five in line to be hung when a miracle happened. American planes began bombing the camp. Guards ran and filipino prisoners scattered. Papa and his father ran into the jungle and hid for five days, not coming out until they spotted someone they knew. They were reunited with family and shortly after that the entire family was taken to America… to Hawaii to work the sugar plantations here. Papa lived to 91. He became a citizen and served in the Korean war. We buried him with full military honors and a 21 gun salute. A survivor prisoner of war.
The cartoon reminded me of that. It’s only a cartoon until it isn’t.
Silver Train
VIA #1 – The Canadian
RIO and its 13.5% dividend is on sale the last two days
Unfortunately, I bought a little presale. 🙂
Bitcoin down $800, it could be worse.