Maybe it’s already happening with the jabbed?
I agree with the whole demonic thing. I’d almost classify a third of the country as demonic and unable to think critically, and it’s getting worse.
silverngold @ 14:34
It’s like a bad dream. Just hoping this catastrophe somehow doesn’t happen. I guess we’ll know pretty soon 6 mos to 2 years is that what he said?
The Jews in Europe couldn’t realize what was happening as they were loaded on trains to the death camps either. It just didn’t make any sense. They were going to work camps …
Makes sense, will the jobs report be a bust Friday or will the strength continue
and does anyone believe the numbers anyway?
So, the shorts keep piling on – we knows this up front and personal in pm’s. It always seems we could have an epic short covering event in these shares, but there hasn’t been one in the last 20 years. I’m talking about a meltup that lasts for a year, not two months.
Well I watched that video you posted just before me. It should go viral so the young see it. I think they’re starting to learn that digital currency is not a good thing.
I think they’ll also learning the green new deal is not only another hit on their pocket book but they’re ability to have and by food , pay their utilities and their freedom.
What I fear is that they will initially like a hook on a line try to bribe the minorities and entitled minded with money to go digital in some form they always fall for so predictable people can be easily manipulated.
Since Bidens handlers who want him in so they had hold power don’t even want him campaigning and he’s not capable anyways it should make them question who’s running things.
The lock downs were not only a excuse to hid him but a opportunity to shut down communication and initiate propaganda on a locked down society while censoring, shadow banning and blocking any truth or help for that matter coming out on Covid or political.
Now parents are waking up thank goodness since so many mother have to work out of the home who’s raising their kids. Now they are caught behind spoiling part of their kids childhood and protecting them with knowledge. It’s just how are they going to go about it.
Sorry kids that man with the mustache isn’t the tooth fairy, the big bad wolf ate her and is disguising himself to look like her.
It’s like a plate of bad food and bad news. I can only handle so much a day then save myself from getting sick too.
Even though we’re already awake and know the misled are going to have to learn the hard way but at the same time take other down with them, Fortunately some of them with turn on each other.
Then we find it’s even worse than we could imagine. It’s like realizing your living in a civilized country is just a illusion. It’s more like a zombie apocalypse. So I’ll take your word for it.
Dimon…as far as I am concerned guilty as hell…..if he were in my court, he would have a fair trial and a damn good hanging !!!!
But in reality that news today is very good, as it shows the rats are starting to turn on each other, which will get worse and worse…..I am also picking up vibes that the Net Zero plan is starting to unravel, as more and more people find out how much it will cost them and what they have to give up…and the answer is no ‘effing way……plus all the Covid vaxx damage, is making a lot of people question just what on earth is going on.
@Buygold re your Do We Have A PMs Bottom? @Richey re your NVDA down pretty good now
Buygold, agreed we are probably at the PMs bottom, and Richie NVDA and all the positive every day bla bla bla news re artificial intelligence boom, might be ending. And if we want to short AI there is SOXS short play that may have bottomed along with Gold miners.
SOXS check out the high volume bars suggesting a turn coming.
AI again high volume bars suggesting a top.
NVDA high volume bars, blow off top?
And Gold’s chart looks like a bottom with high volume and 4 more hours to go.
Ipso and Maddog
I don’t know what’s more disturbing. If Dimon had anything to do with Epstein or if he’s being set up for not corroborating with some banking agenda or both.
Finally, a bounce and SLV back above $21.50
Maybe we’ve found a short term bottom? At least?
R640 – NVDA down pretty good now.
People going hungry, I know of one that selling her blood to buy food for her and her kids and she’s not alone while they say inflations getting better. Now they want to cut down farmland and what give it to migrants with more people to feed from over populated places? Or sell it to China to put up wind mills and solar panels or make flammable lithium battery’s
Germany is getting rid of their nuke power and they and other country’s just made it through a winter. I remember videos of people picking up branches in the forest to use for winter.
How’s that solar doing in winter for them? They need another house to store all those battery’s they’ll need. Now in the US killing whales, Dolphins, sea birds and the fishing industry with ocean wind farms. I’m waiting for a Hurricane.
So now they want to use pilots to fly all those planes to show off to the Russians? Do they have their Heil Hitler banners ready too? At least he fed the people, didn’t restrict travel from town to town and didn’t take their power, food and heat away.
ipso facto
Epstein had cameras everywhere and all the film vanished into the FBI, never to be seen again.
Apart from a few pictures, there is never any talk of what is certainly on film, that is all we ever see.
I wonder how many concealed cameras there were on Pedo Island?
This is how the WEF works … blackmailing powerful people into doing their bidding.
Out for a bit
Yep we have madmen in charge. There’s no do-over after a nuclear war.
We’ll probably make Zelenskyy promise not to attack Russia with the F-16s … but that will be a worthless promise.
I gather there is going to be a huge NATO Air exercise in June , centred on Germany … u say we have mad men in charge…….
So typical
you get a little hope that pm’s be on their way for a decent day, and then comes the smash.
SLV apparently has $21.50 as resistance. Un effing believable.
Jamie Jamie Jamie
Epstein Pal Jes Staley Throws Jamie Dimon Under The Bus, Setting Stage For Massive Legal Battle
Former JPMorgan Chase executive Jes Staley has thrown CEO Jamie Dimon under the bus over the bank’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein – claiming in legal documents that he and Dimon communicated about the convicted sex offender.
Numbers out……… $ 10 smash for Gold
and dollar jumps…….and Goldman etc rake in another bundle….
They want to have an international peace conference on the Russia/Ukraine war, but they don’t want to invite Russia
These are not serious people.
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) May 31, 2023