Is Cardona a Robot.
Where’s the transparency. I think Lisa shouldn’t ask him once he didn’t answer but demand the information and if that post turtle doesn’t stop paying him.
No more CRT, Queer, Pedo, or anti American socialist/ Marxist indoctrination money.
This should be taken out of the hands of the Fed perhaps break up the Union that’s in it for themselves and put in the budgets on the states with limits on class sizes, healthier foods not processed cheap fake food and armed security.
Should be school testing every year for grad level progress on all subjects their supposed to teach with more focus on what they’re teaching.
They can put disabled and learning disability’s in another category to make sure they’re learning too.
Bonuses for teachers who’s students get the best scores not based on school groupies.
SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McClain’s Questions – YouTube