OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Find a place to live ,that dosent attract unproductive ,the flashy ,the gimmie some of what you got crowd,the illegals..just a nice quiet place ,low crime,no high end stores and dont tell anybody where that is ..just a few good friends,among a few good Racists for protection against the Liberals

Posted by Ororeef @ 9:38 on May 30, 2023  

Happy Days star Scott Baio has admitted that he has decided to sell his home and leave Los Angeles for good because the city has literally become “unlivable”

The actor said he has been ‘forced out’ of his $3.85million home in Woodland Hills, LA, because the city has become ‘unlivable’, citing the homeless doing drugs on the sidewalk in the middle of the day, crime being ‘out of control’, and ‘graffiti on everything’.

‘Between the homeless defecating on the sidewalk, doing drugs on the sidewalk in the middle of the day, illegal aliens all over the place, law means nothing, crime is out of control, graffiti on everything… all of my tax dollars, I don’t know what they go for,’ Baoi said.

More attacks on the food supply

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:34 on May 30, 2023  

Silver can’t seem to hold a bid

Posted by Buygold @ 9:28 on May 30, 2023  

I’m not sure why. We are so oversold.

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:14 on May 30, 2023  

K2 Gold Provides Update on Diamond Drilling at Si2 Gold Project, Nevada


Rupert Resources Reports Results for 12 Months Ending February 28, 2023


Amex Expands Team Zone and Delivers Wide Near Surface Drill Intercepts of up to 1.70 g/t Au over 68.00 m including 7.89 g/t Au over 9.70 m


Golconda Gold Ltd. Releases Financial and Operating Results for Q1 2023


Japan Gold Closes Second and Third Tranche of Financing


Eric Sprott Announces Changes to His Holdings in Stroud Resources Ltd.


Sale to West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. Approved by the Court






Bear Creek Mining Signs a Term Sheet to Defer US$25.8 Million in Debt Payments for a Period of Five Years


Val-d’Or Mining Enters into Option Agreement with Eldorado Gold, NSR Reduction Agreement and Provides Update on Property Portfolio


Silver Hammer Mining Commenced a Property-Wide Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric Survey at its Silverton High-Grade Silver Project in Nevada


Seabridge Gold’s 2023 Iskut Drill Program Ramps Up Focused on Making New Copper-Gold Porphyry Discoveries


New Pacific Intersects 205 Meters Grading 123 Grams Per Tonne Silver in Step-out Drilling at the Carangas Project, Bolivia


Radius Gold Completes $1.95 Million Private Placement Financing


Amex Generates Multiple New Gold and VMS Targets at Perron From Regional Exploration Program


Mako Mining Announces a Discovery 17 km from the San Albino Gold Mine, Intersects 41.99 g/t Au and 28.70 g/t Ag over 1.4 m (Estimated True Width), 34 m from Surface and Confirms Orogenic Deposit Type


Aya Gold & Silver Announces High-Grade Silver Drilling Results at Zgounder and Updates on Zgounder Regional Drilling Program


Asante Gold Corporation Provides Status Update on Management Cease Trade Order




Golden Minerals to Effect 1-for-25 Reverse Stock Split


Probe Gold Intersects 9.2 g/t Au over 17.9 Metres in New Gold Zone along Courvan Trend, Novador Project, Quebec


Collective Mining Drills 162.20 Metres at 3.90 g/t Gold Equivalent From Surface at the Newly Discovered Contact Zone and Expands the Strike Length of the Apollo System


One Bullion Limited and Goldrange Resources Corp. Announce Proposed Business Combination




Roscan Expands Gold Mineralization at Kabaya


Mistango Announces Closing of Goldie Expansion Project


Cerrado Gold Issued Preliminary License for Its Monte Do Carmo Project, Brazil


Calibre Commences Ore Deliveries From Its Eastern Borosi Open Pit Mine to the Libertad Mill


Inca One Gold Reports Increase in Supply in April


Bonterra Intersects 8.2 g/t Au over 8.2 m, Including 16.6 g/t Au over 3.4 m and 54.5 g/t Au over 0.5 m at the Barry Underground Project and Provides Operational and Exploration Updates


Atalaya Mining PLC Announces Application to Cease to be a Reporting Issuer


Thor Explorations Announces First Quarter 2023 Financial and Operating Results, for the Three Months Ending March 31, 2023


Antioquia Announces Debt Restructuring


Patagonia Gold Quarter 1 2023 Financial Results


Majestic Gold Corp. Reports 2023 Q1 Results


Sailfish Reports Q1 2023 Results


0600 EST – Looking a little better/ororeef

Posted by Buygold @ 6:02 on May 30, 2023  

gold now up a little, SLV is still down $.05, but we do have a chance. USD coming back down as well.

ororeef – I like those seasonal charts because I’ve never thought of gold as a seasonal asset, but it definitely is, seems other countries like China and India have their own seasonal buying times. Maybe June came early this year and we’re almost done. Otherwise, that seasonal chart looks like a lot of damage could be done still.

One day at time, just have to rebuild.

Doing a lot better since I’ve been typing…





0415 EST

Posted by Buygold @ 4:20 on May 30, 2023  

Not exactly what I was hoping to see this am. The 10 yr. is down nicely, 6 bips or so.

Unfortunately, the USD is up again. So, G & S are are both down in the premarkets.

I sort of expected a pop this am. Silly rabbit.

SM futures up again with the Nasdaq leading the charge yet again.

Commodities are weaker for the most part with aluminum down over 1%, copper is weaker too. Oil down 1% or so.

Maybe the USD will come back in as the day goes on.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 2:34 on May 30, 2023  

Relaxing for a Smoke


goldielocks @ 14:58 – Bravo!

Posted by Maya @ 2:33 on May 30, 2023  

“Gays against groomers”


Posted by goldielocks @ 23:07 on May 29, 2023  

Yes it is! Just from the expressions it seems the civil war veteran had it the hardest. Probably because it was in his own country.

I don’t know if this video of this veteran was ever seen here but is so sad. This veteran worried about our country and this isn’t what they were fighting and dying for..





Posted by ipso facto @ 22:06 on May 29, 2023  

This Memorial Day is the pregnant moment before history gives birth to new and astounding events. Everyone senses it. The rough beasts are out there slouching across the fruited plain. Attend to your duties courageously, as those before us did, who we remember today.

Memorial Service

@goldielocks- The Quality Of The Picture

Posted by commish @ 20:02 on May 29, 2023  

Must say is primo.


Posted by ipso facto @ 19:39 on May 29, 2023  

silver rider @ 10:06

Posted by ipso facto @ 19:23 on May 29, 2023  

I don’t think you’ll find many bankers in Heaven. They do what the WEF tells them. They have way too much power!


Posted by goldielocks @ 18:25 on May 29, 2023  

Awesome. I heard the army bases are going to change the names to hero’s. I glad it’s not woke but there were a lot of hero’s.

4 Veterans From 4 Different Wars

Posted by commish @ 18:12 on May 29, 2023  

WW2 WW1 Spanish American War and Civil War.  All from Geary Okla.  Photo J&L Historical

Mike Pento part one

Posted by goldielocks @ 16:28 on May 29, 2023  

I posted part two but here’s part one a bit longer. At the end of this one he was generous enough to show charts of where to move money in each  event be disinflation, deflation, inflation, stagflation. He give a basic outline.
I sent this to a friend to saw her retirement income drop by inactive managements that just let it sit with their 60/40 or what ever portfolios you could do yourself without paying them in a IRA.

Pays to stay quiet, that’s real equity these fools and attention seekers haven’t learned.

Posted by goldielocks @ 16:08 on May 29, 2023  

In 08 I was looking for long term defensive stocks even before the crash. I looked up Auto Zone because I figured inflation and economy only being proped up artificially by Greenspan and Real Estate pricing people out.

That people would stop buying news cars.

Now they want people to buy new cars but with again inflated cost of living how’s that?

Even Musk doesn’t think about that or the attack of  wild life or sea life or fishing with Ocean Wind Farms  or attack on farming half will either freeze to death in winter and the other half plus winter survivors will starve to death.

I looked  AutoZone in 08 but with the crash my grandkids needed me to help a couple of them through the crash and kinda forgot about this one.

It was going for about 100 dollars back then.

Well maybe with the current drop and can’t see a lot of people buying new cars again they will have to maintain the ones they have I’ll see where it’s at.

Holy Moly, Watch out for the quiet ones. From a hundred a share to the thousands.



Posted by goldielocks @ 15:31 on May 29, 2023  

Yep and their printing press and misrepresenting was part of their meddling.
I hope that Aussie I think he is in that video is only exaggerating on taxes going back up to 90 percent if they can bring war on. Might be a agenda of the parasites of what’s left of the middle class to draw blood from turnips by hiring all those IRS workers.  Didn’t you experience something like that before?
People will throw their hands up and drop out and underground barters will emerge less enough of the people wake up.

JUNE BOTTOM at Hand .Tell the FED to BUG OFF..Interest rates dont stop inflation…market crashes and economy meddling do !

Posted by Ororeef @ 15:12 on May 29, 2023  



Silver Futures (SI) Seasonal Chart

Silver Futures (SI) Seasonal Chart

Ororeef 14:26

Posted by goldielocks @ 14:58 on May 29, 2023  

They are only a tiny amount of the population but it’s being merchandised. Possibly a combined depopulation tactic to merchandise it into a Fad for kids. They turned the anti hate into hate anyone else who doesn’t go along with their agenda of being exclusive.

Even in other countries. Mexico has some kind of 50/50 in politics where half are woman. Well two trans posing as women took their place. Someone spoke up saying it under minded the purpose and has been persecuted ever since. Surprising coming from Mexico.
Besides Soros I can only guess the pharma/ medical Jekyll’s are involved.  That is causing everyday gays to push back

Here’s one on Gays against groomers.

See this chart

Posted by goldielocks @ 14:38 on May 29, 2023  

Money is still flowing into banks. It shows it’s worse than 08 and 2020.

Its a self correcting problem

Posted by Ororeef @ 14:26 on May 29, 2023  

All these people that vote like Gay ,Trans and anti children will eventually be removed from the GENE pool because they dont reproduce and people that think like them dont reproduce so their Genes are gone.All the rest of us need to do is keep them away from OUR children no matter how much they complain and call you homophobic,Racist and any thing else they can dream up .Dont be intimidated by them,tell them to Fuck off and stay away from your children.

Buygold 11:08

Posted by goldielocks @ 14:18 on May 29, 2023  

So you think there’s a chance?

Been thinking – always a dangerous thing

Posted by Buygold @ 11:08 on May 29, 2023  

What if nothing happens and the economy crashes but nothing more than a garden variety selloff of 20% in the SM? A lot of the selling damage has already occurred in most of the sectors where some stocks have fallen 60% or so, so the last thing to correct is Tech, but a lot of tech has sold down huge as well.

samb mentioned a rolling correction, what if all of these markets are suffering a rolling crash and have done so for quite awhile. So much of the index stuff is driven by big tech, MSFT, GOOG, etc.

I guess what I mean is, what if this whole thing doesn’t come crashing down. What if the Repubs never win another election and we’re stuck with a tyrannical deep state government? What if the dollar index sort of holds around, rates stay tame, and gold sort of limps along as well?

What does this country look like? I think if the deep state isn’t reigned in, there will never be another president or Congress that aren’t a part of the uniparty. We call that tyranny and if we think we have problems with free speech now, we are talking total Orwell.

ipso facto @ 13:20

Posted by silver rider @ 10:06 on May 29, 2023  

I can relate to the why video.   I once sat on a foundation board and we were discussing whether or not a certain individual would contribute to our cause and another individual piped up and said “absolutely he will, I know his banker”.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.