Hello, first glad you see you posting too.
Yes to do what you can but the problem is they’re not even backing the ones that do.
They’re not doing everything they can do and the ones that do or try find themselves standing alone. So basically it’s waisted energy.
Look what they did to that baseball player because people talk sh!t until tshtf “ retaliation “ and where was anyone to defend him? Left standing alone. Are they baseball players or propaganda puppets who aren’t allowed to have any opinions of their own. He threatened no one just angered the freaks.
Now you got some trans anti-Christ’s not good enough to make the cut harassing both players and people in the stands to try to make fun of the game and emasculate the players and wanting to call the shots to push their agenda. They making a joke out of and ruining sports as well with a double attack maybe 3 as far as media censoring on the First Amendment of freedom of speech and religion.
So instead of standing up for the constitution they’re willing to sacrifice another and all sports, part of a American custom and anything that makes people happy or function in life because only they are important ya know. What’s next football?
Instead of freedom of religion, their rights to their opinion they get sent to “ re-education camps” like they do in China. Tyrants and mental issues dressed in drag on the other hand don’t have to care about other peoples rights apparently. It’s not a two tier system it’s a one sided fascist tyrant system.
You can’t be “ inclusive “ or cater to tyrants, bully’s and control freaks. Your only giving them what they want.
They’re feeding the beast.
The lefties in media who don’t care about anything but their next story aid and abet them. Too fearful of exposing them and their intentions because they fear provoking their anger and retaliation which basically they have no constitutional right or authority to control or oppress other people because their agenda is so much more important than yours.
That’s where death comes in.
Like the little starving girl all alone in Africa during a famine about 3 yrs old if that, at least clothed with a little dress and necklace was so weak she couldn’t stand very long collapsing to her knees close to death looking as if she was losing her fight to life while some journalist took her picture with a Vulture in the background waiting for her to die so it could feast on her.
He got all sorts of money and awards off her picture with the vulture just waiting.
Then someone asked him if he picked up the child and took her to the center that would of helped her she was trying to get to, he said no he took off right away because he had a plane to catch. He left her for dead but hurried up yo get the money and probably feasted on a nice dinner in the process.
Why is the media getting a break for aiding and abetting tyrants?
Not feeding the beast alone will do it as long as people need food, transportation, and shelter they’re also oppressing. Oppressing .. they like to use that word though.