Its not complicated ..follow the money !
It appears its headed by a Jew that plays piano with his dick ! I guess that qualifies him as the new Moses..
The real war is about getting a New State for the Jews that has Oil (Russian Oil) and the US has the War machine that can reach that objective .It also has fertile soil that grows grain and lots of it..If the US military will cooperate and waste American lives to reach the Jewish objective the coup will be biblical …Why have a Jewish State in the desert with No oil or water,how stupid was that ? I guess it was better than nothing… Ukraine presents a viable alternative since it never was its own country although is historically under Russian influence as its next door neighbor and historically dosent have the Political baggage that Israel has being carved out of Palestinian land .If the Jews can kill two birds with one stone by having the US fight its wars and give it a foothold next to Russian oil fields hence the political news media justifying war with Russia ..what a coup that would be ! Ukraine is all about the Jews..lust for land and US military power for them to use to eventually get oil too..Jew tail that wags the US Dog…