I have no doubt that they’ll try to stuff the CBDC down our throats, we’re starting to see daily articles about it. Probably try to launch after a market selloff or banking crisis which is sure to come.
So, here in Florida DeSantis has said no to the CBDC’s, but I don’t know what that looks like if other states don’t join in. It could actually be the beginning of a secession movement, which would be great. Although I’d expect the uniparty would try to summon the military to shut that down. They have a problem with the military, as something like 80% of the officers come from 11 red states. I don’t see them going home and shooting up the place. In addition, I’m sure all the new LGBTQFU recruits aren’t going to be the fiercest fighters.
I honestly don’t know what this country looks like a year from now, say after the 2024 elections – if we actually have elections. Things will explode far sooner if they attempt to jail Trump or eliminate him from the race. They’re scared because they know he probably beat Biden by 20 million votes in 2020.
Tucker has a new video out.