stop the hype from Gasoline to duel power,to electric,to Hydrogen…..The tech is not developed enough and besides each will have its advantages in different circumstances even wind , SOLAR,Nuclear ….let the best usage determine which is better for each circumstance,besides diversity is a real benefit.Not to be dependent on a single source of energy ,just look at Germany where energy is a political issue dependent on Russia .Do we want to be dependant on Canada for Nitrogen energy that needs fresh water and salt dome storage ? There dosent have to be a single type of energy size dosent fit all. each will have a optimum size of scale .Stop the Political interference bullshit.WE need all types of energy and then we wont have to deal with the DarthVaders of the world (Bill Gates )that need to reduce world population(kill people) to have enough energy.A slower Rising temperatures will benefit from Diversity .Diversity will make wars less likely.Nothing has to be all or none,there dosent have to be one winner ! Scare tactics dont help !Diversity will make WAR less likely ,trade wars less likely,Political interference less likely …small is better,less dangerous,less political .!
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