I guess they have a edge if they live a semi nomadic lifestyle and can easily move around. I don’t know but they seem to do it with minimal weapons or training. The element of surprise. Surprise. They soldiers “ may” have been protecting the elected president who apparently is under the coups house arrest or so alleged.
The left are always trying by misusing the laws or what little they learn for no good.
Did you see how Dumny Shultz talked to Kennedy. A nobody leftie appointee Onozo puppet who looked like she just woke up and hurried out of the shower like she’s just so self important and busy, doing what who knows, reading her script someone probably gave her making false accusations against him. A out right lie then when he went to answer she her nasty pre planned response was she reclaims her time, Well if she wants to Reclaim her time then the bimbo should Retract it. It’s so stupid it’s unbelievable, and she played the same role book with the same race card. They’re predictable compulsive liars, like that wasn’t gonna back fire on the so called radical fraudulent demos.
Want a challenge if you have metered water and water restrictions. Call them up and ask them how much it cost per gallon. If not per gallon, per 100 or 1000 gallons. They couldn’t figure it out and said it goes by tiers. Well what’s the price for a tier? Well it’s different tiers. Tier one, two and three.
Well how much water it each tier and what’s the cost per gallon per tier. Do they split up the tiers? . It goes on and on.