I think they have to grow brain first that can see past their stomachs then develop humanity instead of selfishness, greed and ignorance. Next accountability, without it they figure they can do whatever they want and what ever happens to the earth won’t happen in their lifetime anyways and not care. Either that or they’re really stupid. Maybe they have to splain it to them. If you do this what could and would happen. But we seen them in action. Mayorkas the son of migrants ruing our country welcome mat he made at the open border.I don’t know what it is and doesn’t matter what country they came from, they have a sense of entitlement. They think we’re just gonna hand them free shit and make it the same shit show they came. He just gets a stupid arrogant smirk on his face I’m surprised no one has ripped that little wimps smirk off yet. No response for accountability.
I was talking to a friend about pollution the other day and the water.
She told me that she knows someone that was a helicopter pilot in VN.
While they were out on patrol they needed water, he saw a stream and landed over it and the troops jumped out to fill up their canteens and jumped back in. Then he took off heading up steam and not to far up they saw a troop of Viet Cong dead in the water that was red with blood. They all got sick even though they treated the water but realizing what they just drank.
You never know what’s in the water.