Definitely the medical establishment on the Federal Gov’t. side cannot be trusted on anything. The CDC, NIH, Fauci, Birk are murderers really. How Fauci can walk away without punishment after lying to the public and Congress is beyond me. Public execution isn’t even good enough. He lied about everything and walks with his pension, just like these corrupt FBI people and the 50 alphabet agency heads claiming Russian dis info on the Laptop. It goes on and on.
My son is a pediatrician, Child and Adult psychiatrist. I don’t know what kind of pressure he’s under for the jab, I know he had to get one at U of Kentucky, but just the first. He will also likely have to deal with the gender transitioning issue in children as he would both treat and evaluate. I have yet to broach the subject with him, he’s a third year resident. I’ll definitely tackle it when he’s ready for private practice.