James Kunstler has some interesting questions about O’Bummer’s chef’s death,
and he also offers Scott Adams’ speculation on the next plot twist of this movie.
The plots gets thicker
How did the Obama’s and Clinton’s get their money? Clinton’s “ fund” was getting multi millions like 50 mil to 150 mil at a time from Ukraine. I wonder what they erased in those emails. The state department was also involved with these transactions including dictating their fake news via computer to the the media including foreign media.
Probably nothing
"Nice gold mine you got there, comrade….be shame if something…happened to it…niet?" https://t.co/AGxgWovyI1
— Mark (@Mark_IKN) July 28, 2023
Gold Train
Antiques… in B&W
No news in Europe today In France on Hunter
Except Hunters charges just happen which they just happen, on the same day as Trump charges of trying to over throw the elections. Suggesting it’s not Trump their trying to divert with or harass by making up charges to try to throw the election instead of Hunter. I’m guessing their talking about Jan 6 th. I wonder where they got that news from?
They’re news is getting censored.
I think they have to grow brain first that can see past their stomachs then develop humanity instead of selfishness, greed and ignorance. Next accountability, without it they figure they can do whatever they want and what ever happens to the earth won’t happen in their lifetime anyways and not care. Either that or they’re really stupid. Maybe they have to splain it to them. If you do this what could and would happen. But we seen them in action. Mayorkas the son of migrants ruing our country welcome mat he made at the open border.I don’t know what it is and doesn’t matter what country they came from, they have a sense of entitlement. They think we’re just gonna hand them free shit and make it the same shit show they came. He just gets a stupid arrogant smirk on his face I’m surprised no one has ripped that little wimps smirk off yet. No response for accountability.
I was talking to a friend about pollution the other day and the water.
She told me that she knows someone that was a helicopter pilot in VN.
While they were out on patrol they needed water, he saw a stream and landed over it and the troops jumped out to fill up their canteens and jumped back in. Then he took off heading up steam and not to far up they saw a troop of Viet Cong dead in the water that was red with blood. They all got sick even though they treated the water but realizing what they just drank.
You never know what’s in the water.
goldielocks @ 19:43
A lot of truth in what you say. Must be a balance somewhere.
“Now that the Gov’t. is breaking all the UFO stuff, while I’ve always thought aliens probably existed, the fact that the Gov’t. is out there saying it makes me leery. I can’t trust anything they say.”
I suspect some of our leaders are Reptilians!
Electric cars just aren’t practical yet … maybe someday.
Ford Keeps Losing More Money Making Electric Cars No One Wants
Ford Keeps Losing More Money Making Electric Cars No One Wants
I just posted that because the fake news comes out it’s the end out the world it’s man made climate change doing it.
yst none mention deforestation In S America for hamburgers as sleepless workers no longer have time too cook. Then there Palm oil and abuse that threats to wild life including gentile intelligent orangutans cutting their homes down so they can be abused and enslaved buy villagers. No signs of humanity.
No mention about chem trails causing forest to be tinder boxes to burn hotter and faster.even cause static electric fires. Over fishing, water pollution, but yet they say they care about the earth and climate. They care about hand to mouth easy money is all they care about and will lie cheat and steal to get it.
It’s more crimes not just against humanity but earth and it’s inhabitants itself.
We’re most dangerous animal on earth.
no wonder our roads are falling apart
Electric vehicles (EVs) have a new problem and the damage they are doing is huge
Ipso –
Yeah, not very healthy for me to follow it either but it’s just up in our grills 24/7. This is different than any other time that I’ve been alive though. I have no idea what this country will look like in a year from now.
Now that the Gov’t. is breaking all the UFO stuff, while I’ve always thought aliens probably existed, the fact that the Gov’t. is out there saying it makes me leery. I can’t trust anything they say.
Here’s your COT Report.
Longs puke some, shorts cover some. Course this was last Tuesday. Have to see what it looks like next Friday and has yesterday’s action included.
CFTC Commitments of Traders Report – CMX (Futures Only)
Silver shares didn’t look too good to me today.
Buygold @ 11:38
I try not to think about the cesspool in DC too much. So much damage has been done. It’s the fall of Rome all over again. Our leaders are insane and for the most part corrupt beyond imagining. Is our country salvageable? I guess we’ll see … hopefully.
PS at least your son isn’t practicing in Commiefornia!
Maddog @ 11:24
Gives some perspective doesn’t it. The whole global warming hysteria is just a con game IMO. A grift by those in power to get more.
goldielocks @ 10:35
“Heat wave of 36” We must be in a cooling trend!
Metals look OK
Still a teeth pulling exercise with the shares as always.
Ipso – agree 100%
Definitely the medical establishment on the Federal Gov’t. side cannot be trusted on anything. The CDC, NIH, Fauci, Birk are murderers really. How Fauci can walk away without punishment after lying to the public and Congress is beyond me. Public execution isn’t even good enough. He lied about everything and walks with his pension, just like these corrupt FBI people and the 50 alphabet agency heads claiming Russian dis info on the Laptop. It goes on and on.
My son is a pediatrician, Child and Adult psychiatrist. I don’t know what kind of pressure he’s under for the jab, I know he had to get one at U of Kentucky, but just the first. He will also likely have to deal with the gender transitioning issue in children as he would both treat and evaluate. I have yet to broach the subject with him, he’s a third year resident. I’ll definitely tackle it when he’s ready for private practice.
ipso facto
Re 250 million years
How do u argue with that chart ????
Nebraska 1936 as temperatures climbed to 115
People slept out side, there were no air conditioners.
On this day in 1936: State Capitol Provides resting spot for Lincolnites
Ipso 9:52
The U.S. is sweltering. The heat wave of 1936 was far deadlier.
The killer U.S. heat wave of 1936 spread as far north as Canada, led to the heat-related deaths of an estimated 5,000 people, sent thermometers to a record 121 degrees Fahrenheit in Steele, N.D., and made that July the warmest month ever recorded in the United States.