Got it on the injection site. It was precautionary, and not specific to me. I guess it’s something they do to everyone here at the VA.
All your points about stressors are valid. The things in pm’s and country and world weigh on me and I have cut down significantly. As you know, it is hard to go almost anywhere like zero hedge even here and not know what’s going on. I have not been watching even Newsmax because it makes me too angry.
All my cardiac and blood work is perfect, better than perfect. So the next step is a CAT scan of my chest and lungs, and then a pulmonary test of some sort. My wife and brother, both nurses, think it may be a pulmonary embolism of some sort, but there was a Key test done that would usually indicate an embolism, and it did fingernails are still blue, why?
I’m still getting pain in my chest occasionally and general heaviness. And I’m tired and my blood pressure is lower than normal but not crazy. Right now it’s a mystery, but I know my body and somethings not right so we’ll keep looking or I guess I’ll be going home tomorrow, but then what?