Yeah I’m aware there was nefarious people in the background, there always is. But they didn’t create it. They saw a opportunity and exploited or marketed it. The woman didn’t need their permission. What they did need is better or safe child care and some with assistance and fair wages or equal wages. They made a excuse for paying men more money for the same job and being male didn’t mean they were better at it. Male or female if their better at it or do more work they should get paid more or someone else will. But these excuses they made alone was only to cheat people. I remember one male nurse back in the 80s because I made more than him when he got hired they paid him dollar more hr because he was a male but wanted me to keep a secret from other girls because that’s what they told him.
Im sure it did help textiles and factories till unions or wacko clueless people like AOC and taxes drove them out plus more restaurant options and fast foods for non skilled. Hard to talk about bringing them back with the same problems will be waiting for them because they same kind of politics is still around to cause them.
But those times are gone now. More address needs to be to the inflators and the causes. The ones causing prices going up.
It’s such a mess now that we’ll probably have to crash and burn. Who’s going to fix it? The same kinda people who caused it. This isn’t the 60s anymore. I see what your saying about imports who also tried to change producers into consumers and trying to do the same to normalize it to kids. But no one did anything about the things going on causing it and they also voted for people in party’s causing it.
Now they’re working on replacing people with robots all together.
If they don’t care why should we. We need people who can think in these times the mess and up to the challenges they were left with not people thinking or living in the past.
Should of would of isn’t gonna undo what’s already past.
Mr Cooper
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