“All those cities they built with no one in them are coming back to bite them in the ass!”
Seems like the Chinese, once introduced to a production ‘business’, like to take it ‘to the moon’. I remember a story from decades back when they first started to export a lot of stuff. There was a need for shipping containers in China, and the US was shipping in ’empties’ for product returns. Steelmaker businessman went to China and taught a small village steelworker how to make shipping containers to international standards, then left the business to the locals to run. They hired everyone around and started mass producing containers. But they didn’t look at the market needs of what they were actually selling. They kept overproducing more and more containers that were not selling, until they finally went bust with a massive inventory of shipping containers that took years to sell off.
Seems like they had the Buzz Lightyear “To Infinity, and beyond” attitude about business sales.