I’m about typed out today as the nerves I’m my fingers can only take so much typing a day. Lucky you. If you want to call it typing.
Not only that, but at that point of the inflammatory stage they no longer needed a antiviral. Even Hydroxychroloquine was contraindicated at that stage and could be harmful because of heart irregularities needed less Remdesivir with pushed those fighting to survive over the edge or destroyed their kidneys. Ivermectin on the other hand was still beneficial because it also had anti inflammatory effects and helpful although oh so slightly to preventing clots.
At that point for the most part the virus was dead via immune system and no longer replicating. They should have KNOWN at that point their immune system was killing them and as in a cytokine storm should have been calmed down with steroids, anti- clotting “ from inflammation” antibiotics and other individual treatments by experts in the field.
Not only that is where is the accountability to those people who went after these experts and threatened them for saving the patients or treating them early.
Yeah the CDC and FDA as well can take a walk on a short plank in shark infested waters.
So who do we have to hold them accountable.
That’s one thing I didn’t like at all what Trump did when he authorized warp speed, he unlocked the restraints of these demons and now we have this.
Only that he didn’t know enough about medicine as he did other things plus likely bad advice from enemy’s from within to look into it more and handed it over those these murderers for profit. He might at this point do something.
I guess there’s still too many stupid people and those who choose to keep their head in the sand and it’s not like it’s too much like war or organized crime ,it’s basic common sense. 50 yrs ago these criminals would be hanging from trees.