Gas prices in California where I’m at is about 5 dollars plus or minus. More than DC that caused it thanks to taxing which Newsom increased.
Those close to the border can get it for 1.4 a gallon in Mexico although in their currency it’s expensive.
Keep that in mind because Gruesome Newsom is still in heat over the White House seat.
Supposedly vetoed a bill that would give teachers and the state the right to steal children from their parents who don’t affirm any delusional ideations about transgenderism they’re getting from these schools. Then hand them over to the so called medical industrial complex profiting of it.
So he still has aspirations.
At what point will states break from some city’s and further grouping to succeed as states.
Shorts in many sectors are topping today or close per indicators perhaps temporarily. But downward pressure on the SM still looks strong.
Then we have congress threatening to shut down the Gov. over the Demos endless spending of our tax dollars at any chance they get but is it all for show.
The market and its slow walking is boring right now.
I’m just planning some stocks ahead of time even if I get in a little early.