This is getting hilarious. The wimps on lefty news are trying to blame a few republicans like Gaetz and Green for shutting down the gov blaming Trump too again saying they think it will shut down the courts for Trump which is BS and won’t anyways to try to get rid of their competition. They’re so afraid he’ll get back in office and they can’t play pretend divas anymore while all the while it’s these bipartisan career shills are doing it to try to shift the blame on them.
Meanwhile these fake news traitors in the same breath saying they don’t have the goods on Biden he he like they know he’s guilty like everyone else so they think they can divert by making BS up on Trump.
What’s also ironic is right down the street from the news stations is their voting recruits a boat load of illegal migrants holed up in a 26 story high hotel that are going to be eventually evicted to the streets to house more 26 story’s of recruits and these angry freeloading migrants on the streets next to them. Might be get out the popcorn time. But they want to talk about democracy and subversion when they’re tying to overthrow the whole country?