It’s already starting now with the freeloaders coming across. A Hispanic young man the same one who risk his life exposing the human trafficking of children being handed off to anyone and some claimed mistake they were giving them to the wrong addresses, thousands of them even if they were old enough to say this is not my family.
No DNA test. I suspect it wasn’t a accident. What would you do if someone brought a kid to your door and said here’s your kid or niece or nephew? And thousands of them handed off that way by so called accident? They just all said oh okay.
He also told people in another video because the government is doing nothing. If you see something say something is only meant for us lol
He said the thousands hold up in hotels are planning to stay there on easy street.
That they will fight and probably destroy the hotel if they get evicted. Then of course they will play victim. That they’re having 2 baby’s a week. That kids are running around unattended as in there country they can leave a couple of days at a time. Well that’s a devils playground where anything could happen including accidents. As working mothers know force to work instead of being home and bad influence around their kids even with sitters. That they have kids in the hotel drinking alcohol as young as 9 or 10 while their parents aren’t there. Off spending our money meant for the kids.
Not to mention some of these fighting age men could be the cartel who already took over Mexico with Biden and the left enriching them with open borders. Who knows what they will come up with.
They also can display their victims as a warning to others like hanging their victims dead body’s over a bridge on a busy hwy in Mexico.
Hamas like the cartel took over Gaza so there’s no more law and order or elections with the results of poverty for the people. They treat them like useful idiots to do their fighting and use religion to do it. It’s not religion it’s them, psychopaths power play and control over others to stay on easy street and follow the money. Now who knows how many lost their job in Israel adding to the poverty.
Perhaps they should be liberated if they can keep the globalist out of it.
So out of the blue after Trump out of there way of the globalist comes a attack.