Yeah I saw that and even now! After this attack. Did they close the border? Stop flights from that area? Anything? Oh no that would be racist. Maybe maybe send them back to Martha Vineyard and say they’re out of room sorry your problem.
Don’t let being without wives fool you either. They steal children, even baby’s to get across. Even some so called women sell there kids to go across with them or get dragged back and forth as a source of income.
In either case the border patrol no longer does DNA test. Where’s AOC fake concern?
These globalist and neocon and that’s being civil you won’t find much different than you’d see in a lock down psyc hospital and also saw personally how lack of active proper management and hiring incompetence can result in chaos.
I got called back and saw that having to run my side to the other like a lone soldier at the brink of burnout or already there because a of a mentally absent side of the building dumb as rock so doing two jobs and got myself out. Then I got notice by someone who still worked there as to good crew or most of them I once worked with already left the whole place was scary she said in part because the patients were mad that I left because they were being neglected too and chairs were going through windows? Anger, fights and total Chas. That and high security level prison speeding up the end of civilization as we know it or should I saw knew it. So I seen it already and knew what would happen with Biden and commies now there enough for ordinary or innocent citizens could recognize but I guess not enough of them,
That kind of psychotics that attacked Israel like they let them loose in society. They want depopulation at a time we need more children born to replace them “ within our own culture and country replacing us “ not a foreign one but we know what that’s about.
Israel : Did you hear that someone in their gov or security was warned by Egypt three days before the attack. Not the shen bit security side.
Also that they’ve been planning this for two years. What a coincidence, when Biden and the brain dead globalist Marxist puppets were placed in office?