We’re I’m guessing is supppsed to keep us busy with propaganda while foreign entities have already entered the White House and our money flowing out the door and new foreign policies negotiated in advance in the absence of anyone with half a brain in charge who considers themselves a American first.
Meantime we’re going to be like Palestine 1940s but worse with all these illegals crossing our borders claiming refugees which their not and no exterminations papers for them but us instead by the enemy they already let in and and demigods , not by the thousands but the millions. Happening in Europe too. I saw some message there is more Muslims in UK than there is in one of the Muslim countries think it was Syria. But I can believe that since they were replicating like rabbits like the Hispanics did in southern Ca by their welfare system and allowing these freeloading cretins to have 5 wives and 2o or more kids to breed them out where they otherwise couldn’t afford one or even afford to marry in their country without mommy welfare.