An Inconvenient Truth
Report: Electric Vehicles Have 80% More Problems than Gas-Powered Cars
I’m sure many are still around but unfortunately some are not any more. Yea that was a shame with Fully using the tent for a paid charting site I was busy and wasn’t aware of and having to break up into two parts.I can only guess or hope Fully didn’t mean any harm to the site over it. SNG back then I think he had like 100 different PM stocks and the crash of 08 when the levels got breached and his well written description of the event while trying to get them all out which should of been put in the PM history archives.
I try not to be too focused on my stock positions. I find it is easy to overthink the possibilities. So I like to watch the open and the close and that is about it. Takes about 20 minutes a day. Sometimes if I am a bit stressed about a stock, I take a look at a weekly or monthly chart.
I do read ipso’s pm stock news list each morning and have gotten good ideas from it.
I have been using this method for the last 10 years or so. I have been trading for about 40 years. I have been out of pm stocks for most of that time. In the last few weeks I have put on about 15 pm positions which I will hold for weeks possibly months but not longer.
Should any get quite a bit extended upward, I will sell part or all.
As far as the tent goes, I have been a reader and occasional poster since the beginning when Dave and Fully had not yet gone rogue. I miss those old names such as wanka john, ment, augirl, farmboy, todamoon, maggie, elizabeth and others too many to mention. I will even add Irish. Sometimes I have made quite a bit of money and sometimes lost a bit, but I have enjoyed the folks at both Tents and hate to see any leave.
This is a time to really watch the PMs close and the candles they’re putting in to day, Do the complete the parabolic move to about double depending on the stock or take a break. I see the normal corrupters trying to keep them down but failed on many of them especially less known. I fear to mention them,
Country Risk
Panama to Shut Down First Quantum Mine After Ruling, President Says
aurum and Maddog Thanks
I must have gotten onto the Dark Web’s mailing list!
Maddog re: Gold close … Whoo Hoo!
Ireland Declares Asking An Immigrant To Stop Stabbing You A Hate Crime
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) November 29, 2023
ipso facto
No re Spam and Yes re Gold close.
Buygold is still a active in the market. Basically this site even the other site where other site just post has become a news site but understandably for both. The thing is when your trading all day you don’t have time sit around to read when you want to talk about stocks and trading. It’s a job and not a easy one. Besides Maddog and occasionally Mr Copper as of late the only two currently trading that are talking about it anyways.
Where active sites that’s all they talk about is trading and maybe trading videos or charting after market videos on your own time not political news less it would have a immediate effect on stocks, Less you want to lose money you can’t do the same at the same time nor expect them to. So that’s one thing to consider,
Yeah I saw that and don’t even ask what to they expect, they already know. The people need to give the last word and not roll out the welcome mat. It’s all a act of treason as far as I’m concerned and they should be treated accordingly.
They know their done and think they can just replace them instead of moving on they bring trouble to your home not invited, thinking they can drive you out and you need to box up their sh’t and send them packing.
Without the work force you can leave their nothing. They’re too stupid to know if there is enough of them in politics these traitors doing it will infiltrate and be replaced too.
Either way it’s them that need to be replaced and stop being dumbed down by the dumb who obviously have no business giving their dumb advice to anyone. They just just like them.
Advice they don’t even follow.
Oh we can’t put trans in the boyz bathrooms because that would be like putting hyenas in the lions den so their dumb advice is put hyenas in the lionesses and cubs dem instead.
What their doing is is no different than be man or woman “ not the same as a new baby brother or sister” may see if not careful to not exclude them but psych op your nothing like they pull at work, till you leave anyways and things go to hell. They happen to bring another man home and in front of her husband telling this other guy can stay here for free , eat their food and decide what kind of food for himself, wear his cloths, do what ever he wants, and even starve, abuse or rape his children and the husband can’t do anything about it or he’s racist. Even if he was they’re not law against it less they commit a crime but it’s not the point of their BS. So he must be white cuz you can be all sorts of racist of your not white, Meanwhile they pull the same game to the wife. They need to send them packing is what they need to do. They’ll do the same at work for obvious reasons because it’s all about them.
Like Rothschild dumb games were meant to divide so they couldn’t get together against their wannabe totalitarian rule over the employees like slaves which they are nothing without but make them feel their nothing instead “ narcissism and entitlement on steroids”who’s narcissism needs a reality check basically their case destroyed ” is not comply or listen the fist step “and about figuring their different languages and cultures they wouldn’t get along anyways and have no choices.
Talking about a hostile and maybe even sabotaging working environment. Now they want hostile working and living environment. I guess they didn’t figured these different Europeans had things in common so it didn’t work out the way these narcissist Slave driving “part of their narcissistic supply snakes wanted. So now they are going to hostile Muslim country’s where there getting rid of their bums and mental cases as well and nothing in common. The fact that they don’t expect them to assimilate says a lot about what their up to.
A reminder, as Americas trading begins on this Thursday November 30th, that #gold has never closed out a month over U$2,000/oz.
— Mark (@Mark_IKN) November 30, 2023
Sng and Buygold
Well I too hope they return after whatever time off works for them. I long ago stopped trying to make sense of things from events happening. Recently, though I have curtailed investing/trading substantially, still I do it strictly from the look of the chart.
Best wishes over this Holiday season to y’all.
From SNG
He sent me this post that might be of interest to oasis. He’s just over loaded with ranch things and thinking of his family right now with things to come and doesn’t know if it’s being read or not anyways. I assured him it probably was but priorities are priorities and don’t look for comments on it.
I put a lot but not needed either cuz it’s probably preaching to the choir or they all ready know.
He did mention Buygold but Buygold also fed up mentioned living life not waiting around for what these Gov idiots are doing and living life. I will miss his posts too but can be selfish , he can come back where there’s something going on with the market and more trading. if he wants. Hope he’s on a cruise somewhere having fun although may not be his thing and why I don’t like speaking for others when just guessing.
Here’s the four minute clip of Greg somebody forgot his name after typing or typo- ing all this on my phone. oh yeah Greg Reese.
There’s a breath of life coming into the gold zone
TA rule: After a breakout (from a long correction pattern) the move up could be the same as the move preceding the correction
Target $2000 + $1700 = $3700 (might take a few years
— Willem Middelkoop (@wmiddelkoop) November 30, 2023
Eff the UN
Who elected the UN?
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) November 30, 2023
Typical chart
Showing volume.
not a recommendation just an example
I looked at several of my dozen or so silver and gold juniors, and though they have followed the upper BB line up, it has been on slightly decreasing volume.
But I would be happy with a stealth bull. Only a couple are currently under water and by small amounts.
looking at daily chart
The bulk of humans would be squashed like a bug
Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments, & AI To “Save Capitalism”
Good to know…….I have noticed that the daily volume ( for the past few days) of quite a few of my “junior dogs” have been way above the average daily volume…..
Hope it’s a sustained positive move!!!!!