OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:58 on November 8, 2023  

I’m preaching to the choir here, just saying.

That is good, really good,  but it’s not enough as far as justice goes just canceling them especially when their back pockets are left filled blood money anyways and no moral conscious or failure to even look down the road. 

Their would be victims  who refused instead  got nothing but financial hardships and the ones forced to take their poison , lied to and tricked could be even worse if they got sick and died partly their fault by making themselves the majority handing their power away to the criminals instead of universally not complying. Even if they were tricked they should have stood by the peoples rights because that could  be them on another subject some day and tell them don’t even think about it especially when the potential consequence meant death. They can afford  to fire or threaten a few people but not all of them or will shut everything down.
Not to mention the ones denied  to see doctors even for check ups when something wrong, something previous in works canceled,  until it was too late. Just left for dead. 

Is Fauci the quack and  poison salesman or any of the other criminals  involved including media the president? Who gave these hacks the power  to dictate to the world mandatory shut downs, the harmful treatment of patients that killed them and deny medicine that worked. Then  a jab that sickened and killed more.

Where under what constitution did they get that  power?

That’s why they don’t do anything because they’re involved. Like someone  from Australia , can’t remember who said it was like herding  them in like sheep. Like a game??!! To what, herding like by gun point under duress to their slaughter?

Congress in the US , did they say to these hacks sorry you can’t do that, it’s against their constitution rights? Pharmas NIH FDA WHO  or any of them don’t have that power to dictate to the rest of us and instead should of been jailed for racketeering.

Now they plan to make more mRNA shots in other vaccines  or medicines and maybe not even tell them feeling empowered to kill more people for profit.   

Yet congress applied their own constitution rights and exempted themselves in taking it and were also given both Hydroxychroloquin and  Ivermectin including their family’s while letting the doctors some of the same be threatened,  harassed and fired if they gave  it and the right treatments to anyone but them.

So that’s why the won’t do anything because they were part of it. .

That’s why we the people across the world have to go after them first. A lot of them involved in mass murder  and should be hanged and while their at it relieved of their blood money while their next plan  on doing to us instead. 

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.