People need to get back to the constitution if they want to save this country. So many rights are going out with manipulation the window every day and the ones doing it if they can’t slither around it they will violate them with hate speech they accuse others of who are actually falling under the rights of the constitution.
Hate speech lies and slander, guns commit crimes in people hands, Many examples there.
Militias are bad they’re criminals so let’s get rid of the second amendment.They’re being coned slandered and played while attacking the rights of what this this country was formed under by the constitution to protect it from tyrants and enemies within like that.
Currently even the goon squad are actively violating the 5 th amendment rights alone and expands from there with hate speech with slander about Jews and attacks or their first amendment rights which there is no first amendment protection to that kind of speech against them and can be sued and the squad violating their oaths should be removed from office the office of congress.
Free speech included burning the flag because it’s considered free speech despite upsetting others.
Wait!! but yet what if you burn a gay’s still free speech that includes religious free speech but they want double standards and call it hate speech where IS NO DOUBLE STANDARDS. Flunked again. Double standard have no standards. . It is what it is. Homophobia so your afraid to expose your kids to a homo is what phobia is, too bad if so that’s their rights under free speech and fear is not hate speech or a crime. That’s their absolute right and where accusing the fear could be slander, and fear is not illegal. Where’s THEIR SAFE SPACE!!!
Those rights expand to parents who pay taxes to schools promoting this not to mention the only nation in this flag is a abomination. But what do they do, call them feds on them to violate their rights led by a corrupt DOJ who also violated his oath to office!
The debt in related to legislators and congress, who are the people who allowed it to happen and what benefit did it have for American citizens.