1950 Fast Mail
When I learned, the training to recover from a stall/spin was not required anymore, due to the fact they lost too many pilots trying it. But my instructor insisted and took me way up to 10k ft and showed how you could get into a stall spin while crabbing a turn for a landing. When the inside wing ‘broke’ it nearly snapped my neck. When I pulled my head out of the back seat, all I saw was a tree turning in the windshield. I immediately applied the control inputs as my instructor told me what I already knew… “Now you’re in a spin”. I called out the inputs to him and asked… “How long does this take?” as we spiraled down. “Just hold the inputs!” he yelled. Three and a half turns later the rotaton stops and I started to pull back out of a straight dive. We lost over 900 feet before recovery. Instructor says: If you had done that 100 feet above ground on approach, you would wind up 800 feet underground!
But the BEST story comes from an old coworker from the 1930s on his dad’s farm. Dad bought a biplane, and insisted son Jay learn how to fly it also, which he did with father’s instruction. Dad was a stickler for safety, and wearing a parachute was mandatory. The old two-cockpit biplane control was a wooden stick fastened to a cast metal socket on the floor with cables attached. Dad made sure that there was a spare wooden ‘stick’ jammed into the frame, accessible to both cockpits. So one day a ‘barnstormer’ comes thru and Dad hires him for some professional flying lessons. Jay had heard this guy would teach you how to fly and when ready to ‘solo’ he would throw his front stick out of the plane and force the student in the rear cockpit to bring the plane in for a landing. Jay had a warped mind, and was ready for him. When the instructor was finally ready, he turned around to Jay, waved and pointed at Jay, and pulled the stick up out of the floor. As Jay watched, the instructor threw the stick overboard. Jay nodded affirmative and ‘thumbs up’ to the instructor, and while the instructor watched, Jay pulled the SPARE stick out of the fuselage, waved it above his head for the instructor to see, and TOSSED THE STICK OVERBOARD!! The instructor looked in shock, climbed out of the cockpit and bailed out on his parachute! Jay laughed his butt off, brought the plane around and landed OK back at the farm.
Instructor was pissed, and left shortly. Jay and Dad had a great laugh, and so did I fifty years later when he told that story.
If it stalls and just noses over (usually one wing will drop) and you regain some airspeed, you’re lucky. If it goes into a spiral dive you’re dead unless you have a lot of above ground elevation. When I obtained my license they taught recovery from a spiral dive, not a very pleasant experience. I was informed then that US training did not include this type of recovery training.
I never got that far or don’t remember as still a teen when learning, that just as far as what speed you have to maintain to prevent stall. I focused on a 57 Chevy and college both priorities, couldn’t afford everything. Just out of curiosity if it stalls is it harder to steer?
I obtained my pilot’s license in November of 1987, flying a ’68 Cessna 152 I’d purchased specifically for flight training (call sign Whisky Hotel Tango). I was an avid fisherman and lake ice set up very early that year and before Christmas we had a solid eight inches of clear blue ice with no snow. I started to fly in on wheels to catch the last of the season.
One day after a day’s fishing with a buddy, we prepared to leave. I completed the checklist and walkaround, started the engine and checked the magnetos. Only one was functioning! I explained the situation to my pal and relayed our two alternatives: stay overnight on the ice and attempt to contact any aircraft that overflew or take of with one mag. He definitively did not want to stay so off we went with the single mag. I circled the lake while gaining much more altitude than normal to provide a longer glide path in event of engine failure.
We cruised along eventually at altitude until I unthinkingly instituted my usual practice: after reaching altitude and stabilized flight for some time I would recheck the magnetos, ‘just in case’. I had forgotten about the failed mag and the motor quit. My friend nearly shit himself, started to panic immediately! Of course I realized my error and switched the mag back on: no harm no foul, right?
He swore evermore that I had done it on purpose to frighten him, I couldn’t convince him otherwise.
Great Story! I learned to fly a Cessna 152 back in the 70s… luckily in the flat farmlands of the upper midwest. Fouled the plugs once and the engine quit… six hours into my training. I checked the wind and lined up on a field of beans as my instructor was near panic running the checklist I had already done. I was fifty feet from doing a soft field landing when he finally got a restart on the engine on one magneto. Level out and gently climb above the trees at field edge. We followed roads going back to the airport and landed OK. Told the mechanic and listened to him bitch a bit.
Bob … good thing you were able to get those elk to move!
I recall first going to Jasper in the ’80’s. Revisited it a few years ago on my way to visit my son in Chilliwack, the town and park had changed markedly in the forty years since that prior trip, (surprise!) but still a gem. The railway station has been upgraded and trains aren’t nearly as frequent as they used to be.
In 1992 I bought an aircraft near Vanderhoof B.C., an Aeronca Sedan taildrager. My plans were to follow the Yellowhead route east through the mountains since that route elevation was lower and in emergency I could put down on the highway. I’d only flown aircraft with tricycle landing gear up to that time but after an hour of instruction at Vanderhoof I was ready to go. I filled a couple of gas cans to extend my range over the mountains and away I went.
Weather was perfect, little wind, no cloud and as we pilots say, CAVU; Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited.
The four hour trip over the Rockies was exhilarating, with nothing untoward regarding conditions or aircraft function until I reached jasper where I planned to fuel up with the extra gas on board. Today the airstrip is part of a regular airport with paved runway but then it was a grass strip with no facilities adjacent to the runway. Wheeling over the airstrip approach I noted that there were still residual patches of snow, unmelted in the March seasonal transition. Of greater concern was the large herd of Elk that were dispersed over about a third of the runway, feeding on the runway grass: I was low on fuel and obliged to land and refuel.
I made a buzzing run on the Elk and they moved a bit but not off the landing strip. It took a couple of more runs before they finally trotted off into the nearby bush. Landing the Aeronca turned out to be more adventure than I anticipated as the remaining snow drifts were compacted, but eventually I came to a stop unscathed. The Elk didn’t return while I was there and was able to soon depart after gassing up. Final leg of the day brought me to Hinton airstrip, and spent the night in the town ending a day of magnificent scenery: it was undoubtedly the most engaging, beautiful and intersting flight of my flying career.
UVXY’s 11th split took place on June 23, 2023. This was a 1 for 10 reverse split, meaning for each 10 shares of UVXY
Still only 22:50 here.
I feel the same way, seems like a ba humbug year.
Right and can’t believe how many are falling for or being forced into one racketeering scam after another with the same results as the covid shots, climate change prevention is a fraud that will only enrich some and kill the rest.
And freedom. Yes Florida is so far still a free state. Without getting into the whole climate change debate, my fireplace carbon 5 or 6 times a year is a rounding error. Now when I travel alone in my private jet haha.
Enjoy your fire place. Unless you bought a house that already had them in Calif their banned. Then they pull no burn days and usually when it’s coldest. Now Newsom is banning gas fire places on new homes.
On a cold Florida night. A bottle of French champagne for company and of course Bailey.
Though you can barely see her.
Well it teaches you respect for nature and water waits for no one. Be a wave or a river.
I only got cut by coral on my ankle once. I just barley swam past it under water but water moves you around a little bit. I don’t remember it hurting but just a bit and was surprised at how fast it can cut you. I forget how long a distance the detection of that blood can travel but no sharks that I know of popped up. From my understanding great whites don’t usually hunt people but can mistake them for seals especially if there on a surfboard cuz under water they look like a seal. I didn’t have enough memory or info how frequent a shark attack was on a surfer when the long boards were used but when the smaller boards started becoming popular the attacks seemed to pick up or maybe because communication picked up. I can imagine a smaller board under water could look like a seal.
Im guessing a general rule is for each 10 Ft of water you should be able to hold your breath 1 minute and that’s if multi waves don’t hold you under. The 50-70 footers could be do or die but some of those surfers and go beyond 2-3 minutes to 4 minutes and never go alone. Best way to gauge that is look for patterns. Might be 3-4-7 waves then a break of some kind and take the last wave which many tiles seems the best waves. I never snorkeled in real break waves like that before. I’d be afraid the water would rip it off me Lol when the
CMT started showing symptoms luckily wasn’t surfing any more now farther inland but sudden cold would set off sudden and severe muscle cramping that would feel like I was being tasered. I decided to go out a few times on days off on the beach but the though about that stopped me and wasn’t going to wear a life vest and don’t know if that would of even helped. Now the damage is done I guess the pain went with it and have to undo the conditioning that jumping in the water will be instant pain like being electrocuted. At first I though you’ll never get me to hate the water. Well it didn’t, but did get me to fear the consequences.
Many times while snorkeling the tide pushed me into the coral in Hawaii. Ouch.
Yes even on small waves I have been tumbled under water so much that I didn’t know up from down and running out of breath.
Sometimes would see sharks but apparently I don’t look like a meal. Many great whites are tracked along our coast and surprisingly come in quite a bit close to shore.
To be younger and do those things again. Being zoned in on a wave is like zen. Everything else is shut out just the magic of the moment is real.
btw we should get a bounce in the pms soon but then most likely another fairly large downturn before the rocket fires imo.
As long as you like to surf and hitch a ride with the power of nature that’s all that counts. Even 5 ft can be dangerous depending on why. Florida as bull sharks, Hawaii Tiger and coral, Calif especially in North California in winter has hypothermia and where the big waves come and occasional sharks like great white with warmings here and there about it that get ignored but they are aware but the waves outweigh the risks that may travel south. One Hawaiian surfer warned me years back of places on the north shore a bit out that there was coral just about 3 feet below you.
A funny story about a friend who got caught up with that coral while in RR Army VN He made everything that’s dangerous sound funny. Waves knocked him around and pushing him down into the coral and he used his feet to stop him from being slammed into it. Over and over again and can’t remember all he said.He finally gets out and goes to his hotel and changes but his feet are so cut up so he wrapped shirts around them. Then tried to go to a restaurant to get something to eat and they kicked him out and thought he was a bum and wouldn’t give him a break or didn’t believe him. He couldn’t enter because he had no shoes. That was enough for me to stay away from it.
Investors recap with Mike Pento
We were sometimes on the north shore of Oahu. I remember watching the surfers on that fearsome coast. All I could manage anywhere (no more though) were the 5 foot waves on our north Forida beach.
Happy New Year y’all.
Red sky’s at night, sailors delight. Not exactly. High waves across the coast. Surfers out yesterday, think they’ll be closed in southern cal beaches today in southern California. People coming here to see them but don’t know what they call rogue or sneak waves that pop up past the beach and wash people down the streets. No news about it in north cal but waves here 12-15 feet aren’t big but the biggest wave areas usually don’t have streets or homes near by, but cliffs. They get 50-70ft here.
As for ‘Happy’… I’ll believe it when I see it!