They’re trying to turn Calif into a rental state. You will own nothing. They’re trying to get people to dump their cars by not enough parking in apartments even in areas where you need a car. There regs aren’t changed on their minimum parking. Forget having visitors. Some HMO housing don’t even allow street parking.
She says that since supply problems with Covid when materials to build a house went sky high they never went down so greed a factor affecting astronomical prices.
During Covid they also lost their best skilled workers and now they have to pay a lot more for less productive workers.
Then new codes and regulations and look at Newsom as a example. No more gas having to use heat pumps, other regulations on building that are also costly and they keep adding more new codes all the time.
It’s not building more units that’s going to solve the problem to bring the housing cost down because the cost to build them is driving the prices up not down. They built housing for the homeless but when they got done the units cost over 700k each.
They’re just piling more debt upon debt to the problems.
Then of course open borders and crime.