That reminds me about a few quotes that also can be interpreted in different ways other than or to make jest one can quickly change. Let me try.
Idle hands is the demo’s I mean devils workshop.
He teased the devil out of that dog and lucky it didn’t bite him.
It’s better to know a devil than a saint you don’t know. Changing one for the other won’t change the situation..
Very long but incredibly valuable read. This guy knows his stuff. Take breaks!
Dave Collum’s 2023 Year In Review: Down Some Dark Rabbit Holes, Part 1
If I see it, should I say it???? I’m not so sure, but I will.
Like I offended Maddog by saying his name spelled backwards was an offence to God, how about this one???
Just move the n in Santa Claus and you have Satan Klaus, who is trying to corrupt the world with his WEF lies, agenda’s, and deceptions! Just another coincidence? IMO it’s time to wake up people, or wake people up. DYODD and All the Best From Silverngold!
I think you instilled those qualities in your children just fine through example they will draw on. I think we can only try getting it back by avenging those who killed and persecuted those who stood by those qualities for their own selfish gain and stopping them from continuing they’re treason against humanity.
Like Buygold mentioned about waiting around for things to get better by waiting for others while so much of your time goes by you could of used yourself for others to do the right thing when they’re soul purpose is to make victims out of others for personal gain. Karma also comes to mind or be the learning experience or wrath depending on what it is. I’ve seen it so many times and doesn’t seem to fail, it just doesn’t always come when you expect it or think it should. Inaction when God calls you to act or run as in a messenger he wouldn’t put you in that place at that time to do the right thing is also a sign of integrity and honesty as your true intentions or lack of it that will have consequences.
Like my son in laws mother who called be all excited about how good her son is doing, When I told her he can likely still hear you so stay positive and talk to him, She went all out, Talking, reading, except the Bible, singing. That was great for the most part. But when I told her about the work that will need to be done “ to complete his recovery” and life style changes to keep him alive that’s no fun. She’ll get back to me on that. Lol Faith without works is dead. Alone again, same song,
Positive side my oldest daughter liked certain foods as a kid so I started her out by giving her ingredients to learn starting with baking and was surprised at her natural talent being so involved in sports seemed so far from it. She started baking her own things for school fundraisers for sports. She said everyone would line up at her booth first till it was gone.
She practices new inventions at work too.
Now she’s got people wanting to make what ever she brings in too and will donate to her to do it.
She told me the other day she tweaked “ her own inventions” ingredients in one of her cheese cakes and of corse brought one in to work, Everyone wanted it. She worked in food and even the corporate end wanted it too. Said one woman said she doesn’t like cheese cake and she told her she’d like this one. She had a bite and now she likes cheese cake. Her inventions are quite good.
She had her make her one two and handed her 75 dollars where usually they give her 60 dollars and she didn’t even like cheese cake before.
I said 60 to 75 dollars for a cheese cake!! I told her she should go in her own business. Shes busy with a few other kinds of things right now.
So we’re going back to the days of Christmas past in a good way we take the time make our own gifts. The best kind of gifts.
Gold Train
Meet me at Rocky
4 minute video that, unless you are Satan or Klaus or a few more, is what you want too! Life is precious but it needs a wake-up call, and a return to honesty and integrity, and it needs it NOW!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all, from Silverngold!
Re Europeans bowing out……..not a good sign at all…..why I have no idea….unless it is pressure from the EU, which if true is really abject, as it means they are playing politics in front of war, which just shows how dumb it is…….their involvment would have been basically symbollic, as none of them have a Navy to talk about.
Tks ….I will do a Thon at some point….in the New year.
Alex Valdor @ 20:53 on
Sorry to hear about the Blue Gamboo! Doesn’t sound like much fun. Take care of yourself.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Buygold!
Please do drop in and say hello from time to time.
I have contracted the ‘Blue Gamboo’ here in Colombia
and have not been myself for about four days so I don’t know if I have wished all of the tenters a heartfelt Merry Christmas . Doing better now and Christmas will be my last day on Cipro . Recovering my usual good health will be the best gift ever .
Thank you Maddog for stepping up , and thank you IPSO
for years of effort , sharing your wisdom , and your wonderful attitude . Exemplary in my view .
Happy see Buygold post and to hear he is finding peace within – so important in life.
That is so important … Buygold @ 17:53 on
“European Union and not the United States.”
“not the United States”
That tells the whole story for 2024.
They finally get it.
Cheers all
Thanks for stepping up to the plate. I don’t post every day, but I do check in, and would hate to see the Oasis go down. If there is an Oasis-a-thon, I’ll be happy to contribute.
Hello All – Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
I hope the season finds you and your loved ones well.
Obviously, I haven’t been around in awhile, but I still think about my friends at the Oasis.
I haven’t looked at posts, markets, news or ZeroHedge in some time, I do catch a little FOX News on the screen at the gym occasionally, enough to see that nothing has changed in the days of Noah. It’s just not what I’m supposed to set my focus on at this point in my life. To be honest, I’m much more at peace. I’ve wasted a lot of years watching and waiting, and it led to a lot of unnecessary aggravation and bad choices. So much time lost, but I suppose we all get to where we need to be sooner or later.
Silverngold has shared some of his wonderful story, and I really appreciate his friendship via email. A lot of wisdom in his words.
Anyhoo, I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your holidays!
Country music fans
Sad news before Christmas. Laura Lynch founder of Dixie Chicks killed in car accident by reckless driver.
We shouldn’t either nor let them get nukes.
Europe is too busy kissing mid east behind while destroying the culture of their own country will being financially burdened until there’s enough to pull off a caliphate. They’re bringing the war to them.
“Block oil transports”
I don’t imagine there’s any tankers going to Israel.
I don’t understand why these European countries have bowed out? Maybe they don’t want to get sucked into a war with Iran.
Ipso 11:17
They seem to me they are their own worst enemy two fold. Not that we’re doing any better here right now with the current people in charge.
So are they going to block oil transports too?
Make it so
Yearly gold candles are showing a clear breakout to all time highs. Next year should be very profitable for PM investors. #gold
— Winston Wolfe (@MrWWolfe) December 20, 2023
Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Red Sea has practically Collapsed as France, Spain, and Italy have all announced their Withdrawal from the U.S. Command Structure for the Operation, with the Three Nations stating they will only conduct further Maritime Operations under the…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) December 23, 2023
Tks…..U won’t find many trains running in the UK either….they are on strike again…!!!!!
Gold Train
Swiss Antiques
Thank You Maddog!
I’ll TRY to find more good train pix from the UK, but… y’all got some ugly trains! 🙂