OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

I picked up this post from someone in the UK, talking about the German farmer protests

Posted by Maddog @ 13:36 on January 15, 2024  

I speak fluent German, I have family in Germany, I read German news, not just the vile propaganda that smears law abiding, tax paying citizens as far right extremists.

Have you all seen the farmers protests? Those are real, they are organic and they are more necessary than ever. Just the other day my relative from Berlin sent me a video from tv msm, one of the biggest channels, a bit like channel4: a television poll asks the Germans whether they support the farmers. The result 90% of Germans say yes!!
this was on tv for a few seconds, then the poll numbers go away, and it says in big bold red letters “this poll does not represent general opinion”.
All of Germany is with the farmers, the tides are turning and the AfD has huge support – more so than EVER!

Because the protests are not just about farming. The protests are this big, and have all of this support, because the germans are fed up with EVERYTHING. Want to hear about master bashion rooms for kindergardners, in which they are encouraged to play doctor and touch themselves and one another? That is why the AfD is popular.

Pee doh files, child abusers, and enablers and apologist such as these two vile turds who write their Nar zi propaganda here, are somewhat rejected by the people. Who would have thunk, ey?

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.