It may have been the opposite. I didn’t see Obama running to his defense whether he did or not.
Point is what ever reason he didn’t have the authority to take them home and dump them in his garage and for what reason since he’s doing side deals through his son and other family members.
Trump was president, he had authority and to declassify them. Kept them in his home in a locked room and has security. So now that they put on a big show with Biden although didn’t bring people over early in the morning and rummage through his home and his wife’s cloths like they did Trump to pretend they aren’t politically charged Nazis going after Trump they dismissed charging Biden. Acknowledging his wrong doing, played hush hush on how and why he took them, but dismissed the Democrat Biden just like they did Hilary and her emails now that’s swept under the rug then resumes going after Trump. After that little stunt and violating his rights should be dismissed immediately.
Luckily they couldn’t get over on the Supreme Court. I heard a bit of the conversation. The Denver lawyer didn’t even know what he was talking about or had a clue he was going up against heavyweights. He only accomplished annoying them thinking he could get over on them by misinterpreting the constitution and falsely accusing Trump trying to over throw the government when never did if he said it enough. Did he think they were stupid playing games with them? He also could care less of the demos could destroy this country and turn it into a dictatorship by a few state workers thinking they could decide for the nation or even the people of that state for that matter who they can and can’t elect. They may have gave him too much information. The Congress can defund the president although Trump never took a salary will effect actions they will try on the Congress level as their next backup plan and call that democratic.
SO WITH THAT! People need to get out and vote for their senators and reps for the majority as well as to get things done they can put in law like the boarder this time preventing the lawless mess we have now.