Closing in on $2300/oz, it’s running wild and the dumb ass Fed must be sweating it out, they will need to raise the rates to slow it down. Who knows? Maybe they want it higher?
Nuclear the future world might have to learn about.
For investors or anyone who lives around them.
Mishaps At The Nuclear Power Plant Near You
Nuclear plant incidents may be ubiquitous, but if we’re lucky, they won’t do any unreasonable damage. The month of April opens at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant in Monticello, Minnesota, where “the reactor automatically scrammed due to the depressurization of the SCRAM air header caused by an invalid signal that occurred during system testing.” All was well, however, and there were no repercussions or injuries to the plant or its staff. Then on March 1, the plant suffered a “inadvertent siren activation,” which occurred when a vendor was testing the system and sent out an alarm rather than a cancel signal.
At the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, located on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay near Lusby, Maryland, the emergency diesel generators started up on their own because of an “undervoltage condition a couple of electrical buses. Again, there were no bad repercussion from this incident.
The Cooper Nuclear Station near Brownville, Nebraska, experienced a three-drop-per-minute oil leak from the radial bearing housing cover on one of the four residual heat removal service water booster pumps. Analysis found that the leak was a result of a problem with “seal drain path.” They then performed a safety-hazard evaluation and decided this was an error introduced at a manufacturing drawing used by the vendor to make the four new replacement pumps and could cause a “substantial safety hazard.” The pump housings will all be replaced.
The Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant near Welch, Minnesota, suffered an automatic trip during a “turbine trip caused by a loss of suction 22 main feedwater pump.” This happened on Unit 1, which shut down. Unit 2 is still operating normally.
The Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station near Oswego, New York, suffered an automatic reactor scram when a main turbine trip occurred that was caused by low condenser vacuum. Everything operated as it should during the scram. The cause was identified as a momentary loss of sealing steam.
At the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant in Tennessee, a automatic reactor trip, otherwise known as a scram, occurred when a main feedwater isolation signal resulted in a low-level in the steam generator. There were no ill effects from this event.
The Reed College reactor in Portland, Oregon, a non-power reactor, suffered a “technical specification violation” when a trainee initiated a planned manual scam under direction of an operator. Following a planned scenario, the operator did not turn the console off or remove the key from the console. For some reason unknown, the reactor did not meet the definition of “reactor secured,” so a senior reactor operator had to turn off the console and remove the key. Notice that all these reactor scrams occurred during the first two weeks of March, and there is more month to come.
The Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, suffered an (gasp!) unanalyzed condition when operators determined that a circuit for the fuel pool cooling system was uncoordinated because of inadequate fuse sizing. We aren’t sure what this means, and apparently, neither do they.
In the meanwhile, the North Anna Nuclear Plant in Virginia had to remove a non-licensed subcontractor for failing a drug test, and the South Texas Nuclear Power Plant sprung a bad leak of a discharge vent line that leaked through the wall and caused two trains of chilled water to fail in their operation.
The Hatch Nuclear Power Plant near Baxley, Georgia, had its Unit 1 operating at 35% power when the reactor underwent a manual trip due to low pressure in a feed pump. There were no repercussions and they are trying to discover what caused the low pressure in the feed pump.
The Waterford Nuclear Generating Station near Killona, Louisiana, had a manual trip of its reactor due to the main feed isolation valve and the main steam isolation valve being closed unexpectedly. However, everything appears to be back to normal, and the causes of the isolation are being investigated. The latest event at Waterford is a fire in the protected area, the main transformer yard, that required calling in an outside fire company to extinguish. They initiated an “automatic reactor trip” because they lost offsite power. This whole event was labeled “an Unusual Event.”
Another manual reactor trip occurred at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant near Glen Rose, Texas. It seems the Unit 2 reactor was manually tripped when it experienced lo-lo steam generator water levels. This whole thing was caused by a loss of power to the servo control valve, which is now under investigation.
The Cook Nuclear Plant, located on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, had a reactor trip due to a main turbine automatic trip. Everything reacted as it should, with all control rods inserted and the auxiliary feedwater pump starting immediately.
The Fermi Nuclear Generating Station on the shores of Lake Erie underwent a reactor scram when high reactor pressure vessel pressure resulted from an unexpected closing of the turbine bypass valves. The reactor was due to be shut down anyway for refueling when the shutdown occurred.
In western Arizona, the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station suffered an actuation of its emergency diesel generator when a loss of power affected Unit 2. This started the Unit 2 auxiliary feedwater pump. “All systems operated as designed,” we are happy to report. They are investigating the loss of power on Unit 2.
(, March 1, March 4, March 6, March 8, March 11, March 12, March 13, March 18, March 23, March 29, 2024.)
They Finally Managed To See Some Of The Damage
For 13 years we have been waiting to find out the real dope about just how much damage was sustained in those three Fukushima reactors that melted down in March of 2011, and now it looks like we have finally gotten a first look.
TEPCO, the operator of the plant, has managed to send in drones, which relayed back photographs of some of the damage from inside the “main structural support called the pedestal in the hardest-hit reactor’s primary containment vessel, an area directly under the reactor’s core.”
The drone footage is from the area beneath Reactor 1, and experts say it gives a good view of the magnitude of the decommissioning process that faces them. All the damaged reactors still contain 880 tons of “highly radioactive melted nuclear fuel,” which has now melted down and mixed with concrete and other components of the nuclear plant, and must be removed before the plant can be decommissioned.
The small, flat drone revealed a lot of damage, including dangling items that the reactor’s rod mechanism was dislodged. This is the mechanism that drops boron rods into the core to slow or stop the chain reaction.
The drone was unable to reach the bottom of the core because of the poor visibility and in spite of being aided by a snakelike drone that shone light ahead of the camera drone. Thus, experts are unable to tell whether what they were looking at was unmelted fuel rods or other equipment that had been damaged.
This slow process, say critics, means that TEPCO and the Japanese government are overly optimistic when they talk about a 30 to 40 year projected timeline for decommissioning the plant is “overly optimistic.”
In fact, we are pretty sure we will not be around to see the successful decommissioning of the Fukushima Plant.
(, Wednesday, March 20, 2024.)
Kim Jong Un Is Still Blasting Off Lots Of Missiles
North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un has been “successfully testing” a lot of missiles lately, tests that have upped tensions with neighboring South Korea and the rest of the world at large.
On Tuesday, March 19, the country “successfully tested a solid-fuel engine for a new intermediate-ran
Can’t post anymore..
From Chembio. I have to say I agree.
We are sorry to report that the United States Government seems to think it has some sort of moral duty to mind Russia’s business for it and start up a nuclear war if the Russians don’t like the new management.
The border war in Ukraine is ongoing, with the United States and NATO continuing to provoke Russia in every possible way by sending money and munitions, not to mention tanks and other war machines, along with technical help on how to operate them.
With this in mind, we also note that Putin, whom the West describes as a “thug,” is tremendously popular in Russia and was just re-elected to another 6-year term.
Putin commented, in a reiteration of previous statements, that Russia’s strategy has not changed. He is “prepared to use all means to protect his gains in Ukraine,” and “Moscow is ready to use nuclear weapons in case of a threat to ‘the existence of the Russian state, our sovereignty and independence.”
He also recalled statements made by the Biden administration, and Biden himself, that the UP.S. would not be sending troops to Ukraine, and if it does, Russia will see “the American troops as invaders and act accordingly.”
In the meantime, Putin doesn’t see that NATO allies sending troops to Ukraine will change anything about the situation on the battlefield, and eventually Ukraine and its Western allies will have to “accept a deal to end the war on Russian terms.”
And Ukraine keeps on attacking the Russian interior with drones and missile strikes, and Russia keeps striking back with missiles.
And we think it’s high time this whole thing ended and those two Russian provinces in Ukraine returned to Russia.
The new unit was supposed to cost $14 billion and come into operation in 2016 or 2017, but it took until 2023 for unit 3 to finally come online, at a grand cost of some $35 billion.
The delays and cost overruns are causing some experts to “oppose new nuclear plant construction as impractical, but the public is warming up to the energy source.”
The public currently has the highest level of support for nuclear power in a decade, what with all the arguments that it constitutes “green energy.”
However, they are still working on Vogtle Unit 4, and it looks like it might be a while until Unit 4 comes online, hopefully, next spring.
And they keep on selling nuclear energy by claiming it is “an essential clean energy supplement to wind and solar.”
( Wednesday, March
goldielocks Happy Easter
I will just say that I think Putin is a very patient man and has restrained himself admirably. So far …
Happy Easter Sunday, why we celebrate it and what it really means…copied from Derek Sloan email to share.
Good morning. Happy Easter.
Ukraine is denying they are part of the attack. Wouldn’t that be committing war crimes like the western states wanted to accuse Putin but not Bibi so they can take out any contrairian to a one world order in the name of climate change now they raised their middle finger to. So if true and not Ukraine who paid the terrorist.
I see Russia has beat the heck out of and tortured these terrorist. A Russian man said that the police are different here. He said that in American the police work for the citizens, ” for the most part less it’s a small hick town or your Trump” but in Russia they work for the government.
Demos drool in envy
China is going from door-to-door to install QR codes on citizens' homes. So everyone can instantly check the homeowners' social credit score by scanning this QR code.
This is dangerous — it encourages people to treat their neighbors with low social credit scores as sub-human.…
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) March 31, 2024
It doesn’t mean it has to do with the religion or the people to me anyways less that’s what the majority wants , it has to do with people within the government who would sacrifice their own citizens just like here.
Maddog 9:18
I understand what you mean and know they can put words in children’s mouth l you know they wouldn’t say otherwise like they won’t we counting in multiple numbers the last time the had a particular something at that age although doesn’t mean they didn’t.
I didn’t show the dead children and not wrapped in sheets or the ones missing limbs or the people running for food on regular channels.
Yes if Hamas wouldn’t of started it but at the same time they apparently were warned and waited 7 hours to help them after Hamas was gone tells me the leaders in Israel play tricks too and let these people be killed. Also they want them out. That we might not be fighting any war in the mid East or had a 911 event.
@Maya – Gold Train
America of old, where infrastructure (and manufacturing) were king. Not so much now, rapidly in decline.
While I fully apreciate yr deceny and humanity, please be aware that the Palestinians, may not be good at much, but they are masters of disinformation….they have been caught lieing about Israeli atrocities so often, that I personally ignore them…..
and just as pertinently, had they not raided Israel on Oct 7th ….this current situation would not be happening.
Migrant worker exposing the system.
If they get SS cards they will vote.Maybe we should let in 5 million Palestine’s and let them vote.
James Kunstler has a few words about the Baltimore bridge event, and the state of America in general.
I never thought I’d understand why the mid East believes there will be no peace till Israel is wiped off the map.
US Special Forces veteran: “What is going on in Palestine is not a war.”
Terrified Child carrying a car seat with a baby walking away just wanting to go home but no safe place for these two babies.
mother mourns 6 yr old daughter who was calling for help and held as bait and used her as bait preventing her rescue from a car with everyone dead and shot anyone who tried to help her.
Too many to post.
They called for the arrest of Putin for war crimes for apparently hitting an apartment where people refused to leave. Netanyahu is bombing up the whole place killing civilians. even using children as bait to kill more civilians trying to rescue them. Now issues of them not allowing food to get in where children are starving to death.But yet Netanyahu runs free to kill more civilians using our weapons to do it. They want a WW111 alright directed at the mid East.I guess that’s how they think they can get over their perpetual victim hood since WW11 by stirring up trouble and using us to do it in the whole mid east since they had to move there pre and post war. And they call themselves our allies. Americans and even many Jewish Americans want no part of this genocide.
Is anyone going to blame these people and children for not feeling this will not end for the whole mid east or safe until these depraved murders are wiped off the face of the earth?
Someone put out a rumor that Florida dealers were no longer buying silver rounds. So I ran into a video where he called around and they were all buying and as you say slightly under spot except one but no longer over spot. I’m guessing people were either speculating or more so needed to sell for food or bills. If Hunter it’s right that after a crash they might throw on Trumps lap if he wins but I see how he immediately helped the citizens when the scammers shut down the economy I don’t think he would let people starve where the lefties are planning on it. That will likely involve the printing press but at least where it’s needed in the US instead as well as bringing back jobs he was working on last time. In a multi year inflation cycle I wonder if people will have enough to make it through to the top.
Also read somewhere about China buying gold because of the dollar and guessing the talk about digital I hope the citizens are together enough not to let that happen, to have money out of banks like everyone else But…doesn’t mean they re buying stocks they’re holding it physical at this time. If a bull run the citizens can buy them though.
Did you watch it? He gave insight and his opinion about different company’s asked by the host. The producers, the future plans and risks. He talked about familiar ones including Dolly Varden ?? a lot of them. One silver stock who’s no longer in silver but gold. I didn’t see it all I was wondering if he knew the people at AGI.
Are we dodging a bullet this morning?
There’s some market moving eco data that comes out and Powell yap. Usually not good for us.
Nice continuation in the overnights. $2233 at last check.
Checked my dealer, they are well stocked and paying less than spot for gold bullion. Silver still around spot. I suspect these dealers are getting a lot of sellers coming in. If we start getting some big jumps that might change, but I think people who have been holding for years are cashing in their chips.
I guess we’ll know that the big boys are in trouble when we see supply suddenly dry up among the smaller dealers.
@ goldielocks @ 22:13
Rick Rule ONLY talks his book.
Rick’s Rule
On stocks and their Companies. Gold, Silver, Uranium, and Copper.