Ps brainstorming kinda remember like PMs they can have tax implications so keep track of your sells and buys. Your purchases can be tracked this way. Another friend who wanted to buy it a long time ago not trusting online banking or gov couldn’t find away to buy them without a debit or credit card because she didn’t use them either.
I suppose you could find other wallets and transfer the coin out of one to another and get it out of a track system and diversify.
I remember many years ago Maya and correct me if I’m wrong Maya if your reading this saying something about keeping it off line as internet. Perhaps a separate computer away from hackers I’m guessing. Maybe he didn’t have wallets then I don’t remember. addendum oh now I remember. It was something about that one holding place Gox was around then where the bitcoins vanished. Actually Simon was part of getting the money at least for the coins reimbursed but coins were gone.
Keep track of your passwords that will likely be names. Put it in more than one place. You can scramble it but just remember what order you did it in and don’t put pass word on it.