I forgot to mention though with women it’s harder and more time sensitive not just the normal reasons but, it’s hard to explain but when you live with people around hiu particularly family and even more feuding playing with high stakes you know pretty young there is much social pressure. How you dress and not like some bazzar movie star to sex symbol, that’s the last thing you want, how you talk, what you say, what you do and who your with. Men has more room but still them too, to a degree. As you see through trump how they will try to pick people apart. That once you leave that circle and want to be with everybody else you can’t go back so you have to make sure you want to leave. Then you have to deal with contenders, pretenders or predators that see you as a sheep away from the flock. But might forget one they just don’t go away, two you are now free to do whatever you want or say and can tell them to F off.
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