I’m looking forward to that but would rather see it before the cost to everyone else that the elite either participated in or funded.In the meantime they’ll just make more money to do more damage and steal from other people be farmers or political adversaries to their agenda like what they’re doing to Trump. That DA in NY is just another flag carrier and likely getting instructed as well as that crooked Judge who should be impeached. Armstrong spoke many times on how corrupt NY Judges are for years now. like a third world country and total political which fits right in with a communist or Marxist regime. people might be in denial but it is what it is like a cancer that can metastasize.
On China they wanted chip making over there because of green regulations here like the hippocrates they are which then of course gets us involved in any land disputes going on there.
They hire CIA pretty young to do specific things. That’s all they know. They don’t seem to know the agendas or consequences to some of the things that might appear good to them at first without the back story or the future plans or some don’t care they just want a job there. They don’t know or have a degree in economics or that there are different types or the history of types of economics that failed and the bloodshed that they caused before it failed. They don’t know we need strong people that are ALSO representing our country and it’s individual rights, not tribal tyrant leaders who dictate that for us with their own agenda at the expense of everybody else.Trump had to hire his own security because of the swamp.
Unlike Congress who can sit around forever they can’t. Only a few will hang around for years. There’s not enough room for a lot of chiefs and continuously need different people with different skills to blend in. That they better think when they are no longer needed and go back out in the world and for a time anyways maybe hire on with some elitist if lucky, what kind of world they’re going to live in with their family’s or leave their children.