Hunters timing seems to be inosculate to what Armstrong posted years ago but with different prices but not as clear as Hunter. Prices are all over the place, so the more important thing would be the catylists and timing that the price. That goes for shutting off the noise if the late commers calling for higher highs. He gives a map of the scenario coming from a financial collapse that causes the collapse and in the attempt to save the banks or financial sector will bring the inflation. That it will be global so at the same time of all the currencies and hard as the leftists try to destroy the dollar as Armstrong says will still be the prettiest of the three ugly brothers, ” he said sisters but hey don’t blame this on women but who’s driving the ship” and the most commonly held world wide. it’s where can we flee for safety to the financial sectors and so far the world.
With that m, speculation Bitcoin will do well too but if people go for cheaper new pop ups they may regret it. The left maybe the Fes might blow that if they try to go digital and would have to be on par valuation and will probably hurt it if done in a crisis and debt anyways. It’s not just Armstrong, he was just the first I’m aware of who was talking about this up to the yr 2030 since 2007. A lot of money managers are talking about it and phases to watch out for but only go out a few years.
I suspect trouble too with the idiot leftist setting up or causing chaos, wars and financial perfect storms for a crisis.
People hold their money in banks and now online banking with no building to go to if there’s a problem.
Lots to think about even with current events including depletion of our resources coming in all directions. Those prices of oil going to 500, accompanied by food prices or shortages, and think about the places that import it, war on farm land and property in general would cause chaos and starvation worldwide. It would do that at lower prices than that.
A Felix culpa in the end or not will come at a cost, so yep people might not be thinking about it in the future they’ve laid out.
The news of spike proteins in the blood of the jabbed has been out there for awhile and calling unjabbed pure blood that is in demand if they have time to think about it as planned surgery’s. There was a sad case awhile back where a informed caring young couples newborn baby needed surgery and asked for the blood they were going to give him wasn’t from a Vaxxed. They told them it wouldn’t be but they did anyway then said it was a mistake after the baby died.
Also a nursing mother baby died that was recognized, how many weren’t recognized as the cause of death they can put on SIDS like other vaccines. There are many tragic stories out there. And of course the ones that should have been shutting it down are corrupted and aren’t working for the tax payer. The SOBS are still selling it and want to do the same to other vaccines.