Someone put out a rumor that Florida dealers were no longer buying silver rounds. So I ran into a video where he called around and they were all buying and as you say slightly under spot except one but no longer over spot. I’m guessing people were either speculating or more so needed to sell for food or bills. If Hunter it’s right that after a crash they might throw on Trumps lap if he wins but I see how he immediately helped the citizens when the scammers shut down the economy I don’t think he would let people starve where the lefties are planning on it. That will likely involve the printing press but at least where it’s needed in the US instead as well as bringing back jobs he was working on last time. In a multi year inflation cycle I wonder if people will have enough to make it through to the top.
Also read somewhere about China buying gold because of the dollar and guessing the talk about digital I hope the citizens are together enough not to let that happen, to have money out of banks like everyone else But…doesn’t mean they re buying stocks they’re holding it physical at this time. If a bull run the citizens can buy them though.