OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Richard 16:23

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:46 on April 13, 2024  

Thanks to the unconstitutional communist plot of 1913 to contrive a rogue government by means of Federal reserve and Fed income tax upon the people, not only to expand government and use our money for their own interest politically and financially but ability to bribe it with lobbyists all arrogantly bypassing the citizens. Why does there have to be inflation at all. They want to 2% and why? What about the debt they don’t include because it didn’t stop with the Fed tax they started up the printing press.
The dollar now seems to only rise when the economy is perceived in distress as in deflation.
So it could make sense that both the dollar and gold could go up which actually means the economies future is seen in worse shape down the road than when they’re competing with each other.

These rogue idiots want to weaponize the dollar taking more confidence away from investing in their bonds. They don’t need bonds anymore to start wars. So hey why would a rogue government worry about .bonds when they can just sack the city, be bribed with lobbyists including foreign adversaries or pharma manufacturers and donors, get bonds from other countries and expand government, hire a bunch of IRS workers with our money and print. Why would China or anywhere else be tied down with IOUs bonds from a bunch of rogues.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.