Particularly if they’re young not one foot in the grave so to speak they’re going to realize they sold way too soon. A lot of them aside from theft with current inflation are likely selling things they wouldn’t ordinarily sell. In Calif a lot of girls and practically every or a lot of fingers and necklace of gold and silver. But when the price got up the 1000 for the first time you hardly see anyone walking around with them by post 2008. Now some might even be hiding them and taking them off while out and about, even wedding rings. I remember a story about a guy in Europe who’s mom had gold jewelry hidden from the Nazis by burrying it. He was to be shipped out somewhere by the Nazis or some force by train. He had hidden a gold necklace from her and kept him alive while trying to find work. He’d take off a link of the necklace and trade it for bread and I think but memory vague it helped him get a train ride back home. He definitely pointed out that if he didn’t have that gold necklace he would of starved to death.
These days you’d only get a fraction of what the jewelry would cost vs coins, grams or bars.