When are any of these politicians going to sympathize with the problems and struggles of the American people or even apologize for the problems they caused them. Where’s the press conferences on them or commercials of hungry people needing help.
People are getting sick and tired of the BS in sympathizing with everyone else but them so they can justify spending their money and totally ignoring that they’re stepping on America’s oxygen tube while doing it, representing themselves instead. Like their totally oblivious to what’s going on in their own country. The only person who has is Trump. He’s almost alone and both party’s are a mess although the demos take the prize as the worst.
We’re back to who’s the least worst instead of who’s the best especially if the few good are having to do all the work to compensate for the rest but need votes their not getting and there’s not enough of them.
Armstrong mentioned something about that years back around the 2016 election. That there are capable people out there but they’re not going to walk into that mess and subject themselves to the same treatment they were giving Trump.That it will be inevitable we’re going to crash and burn before change. I hope that change includes the elimination of the Federal Reserve and income tax. Same happened with teachers. If it went back to the days of the student or students family paying them directly and they don’t do the job they were intended to do, they don’t get paid. As is they are getting paid anyways with taxes so they don’t care what the students or family’s think.