The problem with that through time was the practice of womanizing and teaching it to boys as normal and double standards and with politicians marriages or political or monetary gain or in younger years not ready but pressured into it. So what do they do? Cheat on them. Actually if their half way decent they will use a prostitute because they’re no strings attached. One kind for this one kind for that. If these guys try a normal girl by deceivig them that might not work out and like the Clinton’s have a trail of death behind them like the woman who was 7 months pregnant found shot in the back of the head and called a suicide. Or like the Kennedy’s M Monroe and a drown in a car secretary of Ted Kennedy. Even wealthy can come from dysfunctional family’s and spread the problem to others. On the other end there are shameless women running around and men are weak.
Blackmail doesn’t even have to be a crime or even true like deer mentioned, setting them up, like putting something on their computer but a threat for the purpose of trying to discredit them and possibly affect their personal life because the ones doing it are scum bags. Some accusations even if not true can be assumed as true. That’s why when it got around about them Armstrong mentioned we have people who could do a better job but don’t want the company.
It’s even in every walks of life. People jealous or trying to blackmail other people and companies like discrimination of white men or likely too women now a judicial system we can’t trust. Ipso found the supreme Court had to intervene. Just before I left the hospital to do another form of nursing with children because of CMT I could work more years a a doctor told me and to point out with equity not all are the same because he wasn’t white but educated in the days before it and worked for the state monitoring other doctors. To some it up he appreciated my dedication and hard work but had a reputation of staying away from them myself. He told me in so many words that things are getting worse and told me to find a good doctor for myself and stick with em. I hope he did the same.
With all these people in the world why are they trying to push this nonsense without merit or dumb kids down while mean time their kids go to private school and appears to not do much good anyways. We need a whole system chang.