OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Captain Hook. 10:58

Posted by goldielocks @ 15:39 on June 4, 2024  

Economic sustainability, the playbook by many of the world heads in the 90s I discovered read by Pelosi and had a playbook out they first called agenda 21. Things like what they now call 15 minute city’s. Depopulation to as many of 2/3 population. Heading people in certain areas like China and the rest alleged anyways to forests and wildlife off limits to humans. Like they care about forests and wildlife. They didn’t have EVs yet.

Corona virus is the cold virus that loves to mutate and biolabs love it because of it to try to make things out of it and easily spread and had it around for decades. The mRNA vaccine  was studied by the NIH prior to the Covid leak  and failed but gave the ingredients to pharmas like Monderna for a cost and partnership to profit off it. Im not going to get into a lot of it but if the gov is going to farm out agenda 21, now called agenda 30 is why the NIH and Fauci won’t be prosecuted. The fact that they won’t pretty much infers they’re in on it.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.