OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Captain Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:19 on June 8, 2024  

The juniors have always seem to a drag on the sector. They’re like a canary in a coal mine more suspectable to the economic changes. They’re faced with a lot of adversity with current stagflation the left have caused and more cash limited and can tend to go into survival mode and liquidate, stunting their future growth keeping them or perhaps forcing them to stay juniors forever. They have something familiar with these developing nations in that in a bull market certain sectors can move up the fastest but any change even temporary they can go down the fastest because they tend to be exploited as a friend in need by others in greed because it doesn’t cost them as much then is something changes and no longer in need the developing company with limited cash has no safety nets. Many of them are also working in those countries. So you can’t blame all the companies that have good management but bad players around while the other times are currently economically working against them.

American companies with changing one sided wokeness cannibalizing as well as Europe more will struggle because the current system have abandoned the concept from stepping forward to help out to deceiving malicious intent to exploit them for their own profit. So now these companies have become get rich quick schemes by governments as well that in the end will leave the companies and counties broke and rinse and repeat until it’s gone because it’s so volatile and safety nets are non-existent. What bothers me is these badly run companies who exploit people in the same manor like lithium mines in Africa paying pennies on the dollar for that horrid work and getting all that on their skin eyes and lungs even children living pay check to pay check getting nowhere and they call them poor because their lazy. What a oxymoron.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.