OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 8:00 on June 9, 2024  

I guess I wasn’t in a stressed enough zone to remember seeing that before but pretty creative quotes. I suppose it could be considered parroting. Like the end is near. Parroting to me vs quoting is more in the zone of things like COVID vaccines is safe and effective. Why because Fauci is science… fiction. Ivermectin is horse medicine. Nay said one horse to another, they had no horse sense.

This time I do feel it though, and my mind keeps going back to 911 and the towers falling. Thinking of all the people who suffered, the people who did not line up to drink the Kool Aid with willful ignorance but we’re forced to choose the way they will die with fire burning their lungs with every breath they took or jump out a window and wait for that sudden stop as their only choices all because of certain cretins who got in the government in a first world nation with a third world mentality. Just smart enough to abuse and exploit others on a third world level at the first world’s expense for nothing, because it won’t change anything about them or the first world for the better because now they’re still third world level and can add depraved cowards acting like tough guys at someone else’s expense and totally dismiss the victims they make to do it. It’s kinda like that feeling of the Towers but you can’t see it other than the detriment to this country or know where it is you just feel it, like something coming and it isnt Eli. But you might guard your heart though.

Meanwhile the vaxed who woke up are slowly starting to ask questions. One of my friends is asking me more and more many times repeating myself about what it was, how it works, how it can harm you, how the Ivermectin works, then relays it to others also asking. Just yesterday again on the phone a hour. She’s trying not to be scared about what the side effects can do and why she didn’t want to think about it.
Now threatening the bird flu scare but the kind they’re talking about isn’t easy to get less they put it in a lab but seeing the symptoms of a rare case in Mexico point to keeping the person hydrated with electrolytes and guarding symptomatically any ongoing health issues and not waiting till severe malice to get help.
I think I feel something like the Palestinian citizens feel like the bombing just never stops. I could only stop caring if my heart grew black like theirs.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.