Don’t trust the WHO? Don’t trust any of them. If we had a real CDC and FDA the WHO wouldn’t be as embolden to try to take over our medical system. The WHO, who buddied up with China and just couldn’t figure out where that virus came from.
Mexico a man gets a bird flu found in chickens but wasn’t exposed to chickens unless it has a very long incubation period but not enough information. Back during the swine flu someone in Mexico comes down with it near a bunch of pigs but pigs weren’t sick. So where did he get it. This person was bed ridden at home apparently not exposed. Family likely waited too long till he crashed and men can be more difficult when it comes to seeing a doctor. With both vomiting and diarrhea you can get dehydrated pretty fast, especially infants and children over night, elders but he wasn’t that old but medically compromised , He probably should of been placed on IVs bypassing the GI system and treated for his underlying conditions. Another person gets a different variant in the US from cows that was exposed. Question is are they up to something or someone starting up a conspiracy theory. Since the FDA is also compromised sounds like the animals need their own uncompromised form of tracking.