OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

“The Big Day”

Posted by Buygold @ 6:31 on June 12, 2024  

So, obviously we have a Fed meeting today, but we also have some eco data that will likely move markets.

CPI comes out before the SM opens. Could be hot, could be flat, probably will be whatever they need it to be. So, does the Fed need some cover for moving to a dovish stance, does the Biden-Obama gang need a print that shows things are getting better? I guess we find out soon enough.

Metals flat, shares flat, dollar flat, bonds flat, SM flat. Oil is moving toward $80 again, up another $.90 to $78.80. Bitcoin up .70% No one making any big bets at this early hour.

I’m sticking with my call of a cut, or at least a big dovish statement. Everything should fly and the dollar drop after they do their thing. CPI will probably set the tone though.

Since I’m almost always wrong, the right bet is probably to short the crap out of everything, but especially pm’s. 🙂


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.