If we get hurricane’s like they said this year could happen it just might. I forget which gas stock it was now but think it was on AMEX I bought for 80 cents share I remember back before Katrina formed when oil and gas stocks were a lot less expensive then and had a 3 dollar target I thought would take forever and sold it
Then Katrina came in and it went past 80 cents to 5 a share in a hot minute after I sold it. May have been a company away from the Gulf. Some talking head said they expect gas to go up this summer because it’s also expected to be a hot summer. I don’t know the correlation to that other than gas at the tank. A friend in Texas said there’s two formations out there already and only June. One heading one way one heading towards them. Sounds like she’s gonna have a long wet summer in that heat. Meanwhile California will bake and hope no fires.