OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Ipso 9:29

Posted by goldielocks @ 13:44 on June 17, 2024  

Ha Ha that about sizes that buffoon and his followers up.
Not that AI isn’t destined to wind up in the wrong hands but he did say he worried about putting things off and looking for safety nets but bad is bad and will misuse things every time. Things dumb people can’t make but can misuse.

Right next to them the hate the world neocons on power trips who see people as expendable. The green eyed monsters not better than others but think they are who particularly hate other people in power. Doesn’t matter who they are they will conspire against them.
They think they can push the presidents around and as a result we get The Bay of Pigs or Afghanistan disaster and if they keep going just more disasters. Another area that needs serious accountability.

I was surprised to find out Kennedy was faced with the same problem between certain people in the CIA and and military so after the dumb idea they had with the Bay of Pigs Kennedy didn’t trust them anymore and started recording them. Left it on when he left the room to find what they were saying when he left. Like well you pulled the rug under him. JFK The lunatics wanted to start WW111 next and said we’ll just lose about 100 million people they’ll lose 300 million so we win. Stupid lunatic marxist at that. The last thing they wanted is a elected peace meal meaning JFK. Kennedy, his brother and the rest of the world powers with a brain had no use for lunatics and prevented WW111. I was young but remember all the neighbors were concerned and one left with his family to go to a cave the kids told me. So we just missed it before.
I think they’re back and now have the judicial system in on it.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.