OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Ipso 1200

Posted by goldielocks @ 15:45 on June 26, 2024  

Yeah I know. I remember them when I was a baby. My grandma was a info getter during WW11 before the CIA. She was also friends with Al Capones brother Ral. Maybe they didn’t like the Nazis taking over their home turf in Italy. Strange coincidence my grandmother and Ral both moved to Wisconsin from Chicago about the same time where my then teen mother met my father a Christian military family. What a contrast. She knew everybody including politicians or about them. There was something going on there between the mob and politicians. She told me somethings later I kept quiet. She kept me away from show biz as I had scouts looking at me a manager at Disney wanted to make me a record. I figuredĀ  out why she kept me away and had the connections to do it after someone in show biz passed a cup to my mother to give to me as a gift and when I opened it, it said Student Lover. Since Regan is gone now when mentioning as a teen the first politician who would legalize pot. I didn’t like it myself but didn’t want to see my peers arrested and life ruined for it. She said he smokes it himself, she saw him smoking it at a party. I don’t think they would go for outsourcing or in sourcing away jobs or interfering their business, privacy, or eliminating cash lol


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.