OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Steve Bannon was on Voice of America

Posted by goldielocks @ 23:26 on June 27, 2024  

The Democrats are freaking out right now and wanting to replace Biden. They might try to bring jn Moochelle.

That the crooked hanging Judge in NY with their travesty trials are after any associate of Trump including him. That they’ll either try to lock him up or put him on home arrest and try to silence him.

Ted Nugent and more on now.

The best post speakers is from Voice of America

Posted by goldielocks @ 22:54 on June 27, 2024  

Buygold @ 20:44

Posted by Captain Hook @ 22:22 on June 27, 2024  

What you just said is necessary for it to happen.

They are getting caught in their lies now.

The economy is weak.

They did the same thing in 2000 with Slick Willy charming everybody. Then they got caught right at the end going into the election.

Something will happen to expose a closer approximation of the economy and they will get caught.

They always do.

The Debate

Posted by goldielocks @ 21:57 on June 27, 2024  

Biden’s having a bad day


Posted by goldielocks @ 20:57 on June 27, 2024  

Moving from Newsmax Blaze Voice of America they have some party’s with TVs all over out there. It reminds me of Vegas on a boxing night. I wonder if they’re betting in Vegas lol


Posted by goldielocks @ 20:52 on June 27, 2024  

When Mohammad won’t go to the mountain, the mountain will go to him. And all that jazz lol


Posted by aufever @ 20:50 on June 27, 2024  

I hear you.
So many times they have taken it down, and kept it down. For far too long


Posted by Buygold @ 20:44 on June 27, 2024  

I can see that, and can see the summer slaughter down to $2150, beginning with a hot PCE tomorrow. Probably a bull trap in gold today, silver didn’t do much.
What I don’t see is how that would bode well for a $50 silver call in September though.

goldielocks @ 17:49

Posted by ipso facto @ 20:37 on June 27, 2024  

I’d be looking for info from them which should be released to all shareholders at the same time. I wouldn’t mind being a fly on the wall.

Debate. Event?

Posted by aufever @ 20:34 on June 27, 2024  

It seems like it bas the makings if a memorable event.
Going to watch it for entertainment purposes, if nothing else


Posted by aufever @ 20:32 on June 27, 2024  

I’m almost bored at 2330 again.
Shouldn’t be. We were some ways from that a short time ago.
When do we ever get a long, solid, climb, [spike]…forever

Ipso 17:39

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:52 on June 27, 2024  

That figures, that’s why they don’t want witnesses, I mean an audience lol

Ipso 17:25

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:49 on June 27, 2024  

Call them up or email them. I’ve done that before  whether you get a honest answer I don’t know but maybe hopefully they can help give you some insight on what’s going on. Since you have due diligence perhaps lead the questions like when are they going to solve the problems of a project. If they say theirs no problem with one thing ask why no news and move to the next.

Talk about stacking the deck. Eff CNN!

Posted by ipso facto @ 17:39 on June 27, 2024  

CNN wants the opportunity to edit out any Biden incidents that look like he is having a dementia moment.

How is this legitimate?


Captain Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:39 on June 27, 2024  

It’s more like disinflation though. We already have inflation and a big issue at election time. Then we have this leftist bias debate coming up and who do they think they’re fooling when they don’t even show the real inflation numbers besides the dumb and dumber who just get handed free housing and more food stamps until more cuts due to lack of money.

Then if everything takes a dive for them will it bring pressure on the Fed to lower rates so it starts up over again? I think they want to lower interest for the banks but hold on until closer to the elections or when it’s over. As a recession or depression takes hold along with all the debt along with the war on the dollar we have some interesting times ahead where they have to lower rates and or print and or more debt  because when they have a choice of who they’re going to help it won’t be us although we didn’t cause it, they did.

Captain Hook @ 17:04

Posted by ipso facto @ 17:25 on June 27, 2024  

Thanks for the reassurance. I certainly hope you’re right and that Ascot’s action is just part of the industry wide suppression. I have been involved with other companies notably Pure Gold Mining who’s mine start up failed … probably not the situation here. Everything’s crossed!

I sure wish the management would say SOMETHING! Yea or nay … the truth would be nice.

ipso facto @ 16:34

Posted by Captain Hook @ 17:04 on June 27, 2024  

I wouldn’t worry about it. They are all getting slaughtered because the assholes that run the asset managers are giving their tech buddies helping with the takeover all the money.

That is going to stop when the tech bubble implodes. They think they are bigger than market forces and they are wrong. The transition from growth to value is already underway and it will pick up steam going into next year.

PMs are at the leading edge of that transition.

This is like buying in 2000. A few bumps at first while liquidity was a problem but then the Fed panicked because they are out of a job if deflation shows up for more than about a week.

So don’t worry.


Ascot Resources … my biggest stock position, my biggest problem

Posted by ipso facto @ 16:34 on June 27, 2024  

Ascot is killing my PF. They announced their first pour on April 22 and are in the process of bringing their Premier Gold project into commercial production. For the past few weeks their share price has been getting slaughtered … suggesting that all is not going well with the start up. Management has not uttered a peep. Don’t the shareholders deserve some sort of statement? At this point I will just hold on but I can say I’m not a happy camper.


If you’re on the fence about cryptocurrencies, here’s an explanation that might help you to understand and decide which side to fall off of!

Posted by silverngold @ 15:46 on June 27, 2024  

Or just get silver and gold in hand and enjoy the peace and serenity of life.


Buygold @ 11:40

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:51 on June 27, 2024  

Yes it’s co-0rdinated with the likes of Blackrock, da banks, etc.

And as alluded to earlier, we do have an open interest overhang still in the trade.

Jack Chan shows where the corrections started.

Jun 27, 2024 This past week in gold Jack Chan 321gold …inc …s

If the diamond in gold is broken off a hot PCE tomorrow, which is likely the cabal’s plan, then you could see a deeper correction, taking gold back to the $2150 area, and silver to $26ish.

The “better traders” know this, and they are positioning.

How long such a break lasts is anybody’s guess, but I am sure the cabal is hoping it lasts all summer.

Who knows but I don’t think that would be the case given the Chinese et al. will not be taking the pressure off either – it’s war.

I would hope it’s quick.



Posted by Buygold @ 11:40 on June 27, 2024  

Yeah, I see. Granted the dollar is inching higher but this is the third hit on silver in the first two hours and every time, the shares weaken just a little further from their highs of the day.
It’s a game that goes on all day, every day. Sucks

Buygold @ 9:45

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:18 on June 27, 2024  

You are right … the commies are sitting their fat arses on silver in particular because there are still speculators long that can be purged.

Metals Daily Exchange Volume & Open Interest – CME Group

But as can be seen in yesterday’s numbers, they are now coming down fast, where the market will soon be in a position to rally once again.

Especially with the continuing arb to the East driven by a $4 premium in Shanghai.

Nobody knows when one of da boys in the Western cabal will break ranks in the shorting game they continue to perpetuate – but when that happens – there will be a rush to cover with the metal to derivatives ratio now at 400 for silver.

Hang on to your jock straps folks.

It’s coming

If cash payments …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:06 on June 27, 2024  

… are so low in Western countries … why exactly do they need to have CBDC’s?

Visualizing The Death Of Cash Transactions Around The World | ZeroHedge

Canada is only 6% yet the commies in charge can’t wait to abolish cash.

Tells me it’s control over the population is the real reason.

The evidence is clear.

Cheers all


Posted by Buygold @ 9:45 on June 27, 2024  

here comes the omnipresent selling.

Because nothing says “stay away” like selling every rally

Shifting East

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:17 on June 27, 2024  




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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.