OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Endless disappointment

Posted by Buygold @ 15:35 on June 12, 2024  

I’m convinced there is nothing else that matters in any market other than keeping pm prices down. They will allow you to accumulate fiat in any other asset, but not pm’s, and especially not pm shares.

There’s really no way to win in this game. None.

Ipso, Mr. Copper

Posted by Buygold @ 14:40 on June 12, 2024  

Ipso – I agree with you, hard to see any world leaders outside the Globalist club trusting Biden or the US for anything right now.

Mr. Copper – I think gold should be multiples higher than $2800, not based on oil but based on the amount of debt and dollars awash in the world.

Sadly, the criminals still have a chokehold on the pm market. I really wonder just how much China is interested in price discovery. They’ve got the Yuan pegged to the dollar and are more than happy to conduct trade with other countries using their fiat.

Doesn’t look like we’re going much of anywhere today.

So, no cut

Posted by Buygold @ 14:22 on June 12, 2024  

Let’s see how the press conference goes and if he throws anything dovish out there.

The silver shares have been saying this would be the case all morning.

Dollar bounced a little but now backing off, 10 yr. still very strong.

Seems the market is expecting dove speak.

Buygold @ 13:12

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:34 on June 12, 2024  

“no impact on the dollar” That IS a befuddlement. It’s probably still coming … just slower than might be expected.

I don’t think the Saudis trust Dementia Joe, or respect him. Who does!

@ipso facto re Oil

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:30 on June 12, 2024  

From google:

Oil Prices in the 1960s and 1970s Global oil prices in the 20th century generally ranged between $1.00 and $2.00 per barrel (/b) until 1970. That’s about $10/b to $30/b when adjusted for inflation. 2 The United States was the world’s dominant oil producer at that time, and it regulated prices.

Comment: A factor of 20 is correct so Oil is way above the curve because its used a lot more these days, and maybe inhibited production. Because of wacko green rules.

I also remember after 1970 the idiots running us started importing Oil, because our oil workers were getting $35/hr but foreigners were getting $3/hr.

Also notice how Google did not mention gold backing removed after 1970. Gold was $140 times 20 it should be $2800. Silver price? I think it was around $4.50 in 1974 times 20 should be at least $90 per ounce today


Posted by Buygold @ 13:12 on June 12, 2024  

Biden apparently has offered the Saudi’s another security deal. I don’t think they’ve responded yet. They might choose to hold off until after the election. Seems that they may be joining the BRICS. So there’s that.

So far though, it’s had no impact on the dollar or markets, I’m wondering how big it deal it really is.


Posted by ipso facto @ 13:05 on June 12, 2024  

Interesting thanks! With those numbers are gold and silver too high vs oil? Does oil have to go up?

Reading today some group is forecasting a big surplus of oil in a few years. JMO I don’t believe it.


@ipso facto re Arabs petro-dollar deal with the United States

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:38 on June 12, 2024  

I remember reading a long time ago, they agreed to one ounce of silver for one barrel of oil, and one ounce of Gold for 15 barrels of oil. Note the old 15 to 1 Silver Gold ratio.

Today? One bbl of oil would be $30 re silver, and or $156 per bbl of oil re gold. If we average the two, $30 and $156 it comes out to $93/bbl.

Another thing I remember, the bozo bankers took silver backing off the USD in 1965, then by 1971 the idiots were forced to take the Gold backing of the USD also. The USD value dropped and Oil and everything went up inverse.

But what did the bozo banker media blame everything on?? The Arab Oil Embargo. Everybody sucked it up except me. It was a, what came first situation. The chicken or the egg. The Funny Money came FIRST. And also our US living standards declined after 1971.

Wasn’t this the primary support for the dollar? What if the Saudis said they wanted gold for their oil? That would shake things up …

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:28 on June 12, 2024  

From Bill Holter: The financial world is bracing for a significant upheaval following Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew its 50-year petro-dollar deal with the United States, which expired on Sunday, 9 June, 2024.
The lapsed security agreement – signed by the United States and Saudi Arabia on 8 June 1974 – establishes two joint commissions, one on economic co-operation and the other on Saudi Arabia’s military needs, and was said to have heralded an era of increasingly close co-operation between the two countries.

The Fed Res Is Screwed And Watching Inflation Hedges Keep On Truckin

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:28 on June 12, 2024  

I was looking at charts of the SnP and Nas at all time highs today. All the other indices are near all time highs. Gold too near all time highs. Add real estate to that. They are all part of the money supply. And they are all high.

They obviously are afraid to raise rates any higher to suppress prices. But the Media keeps saying they will cut rates, and are unwittingly giving a boost to the inflation hedges. They must be seeing what is going on, and thinking about what they are going to say at 2:00pm.

What is the Fed Chief going to say? LOL

Yes Commish que pasa?

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:21 on June 12, 2024  

Poll Results Thanks to aufever for the suggestion!

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:20 on June 12, 2024  

Gold/silver ratio is currently under 75. What will it be in 6 months?

I have no idea (29%, 9 Votes)
60-65 (19%, 6 Votes)
50-60 (19%, 6 Votes)
Under 50 (19%, 6 Votes)
65-70 (6%, 2 Votes)
Over 75 (3%, 1 Votes)
70-75 (3%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 31


Posted by ipso facto @ 12:16 on June 12, 2024  

Have a good trip!

I haven’t seen Comish post in awhile.

Posted by goldielocks @ 11:33 on June 12, 2024  

Market looks enthusiastic right now.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:25 on June 12, 2024  

You too.


Posted by Maddog @ 10:56 on June 12, 2024  

Gonna be travelling for next week nearly…have fun everyone.

Buygold 9:59

Posted by goldielocks @ 10:52 on June 12, 2024  

That was funny as heck. Never the less I’m going to need you to take a valium before you hear what Powell says and check your BP every 15 minutes for the first hour.

I don’t think trends like this change course easily

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:19 on June 12, 2024  

Wow, France’s republican right, the party of Chirac and Sarkozy, ask for an alliance with Le Pen for the elections (making her more likely to win).

The dam was already very fissured but it’s now completely broken: no taboo about Le Pen in France anymore.


#China is back today draining the #shanghai #silver vaults to a fresh 8yr ½ low at 722 tons or 23.2 m ounces.

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:12 on June 12, 2024  


Shut them up!

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:07 on June 12, 2024  

We have sent over $200 billion in cash and military equipment to Ukraine.

Enough already. The only reason that war is still continuing is because we are funding it.

The Ukrainians don’t want to fight it.
European voters just ousted pro-war politicians.



Posted by Buygold @ 9:59 on June 12, 2024  

Let’s hope their days are numbered, but I’m not as confident about that as you are. I’ve seen too many days like this.

The days of their lives should be numbered.

Buygold @ 9:40

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:50 on June 12, 2024  

If you want to know why, David Jensen does a great job of describing the fix in London.

David Jensen: The London Metals Exchanges are the Crux of Market Pricing – YouTube

200 million ounces of paper gold contracts trade on computers in London every day set against 120 million of annual global gold production. This is how they keep prices contained – with the banks / funds / etc. trading back and forth with themselves on computers. No actual price discovery allowed.

They want to hang on to their grip on precious metals prices so that the fraud being perpetuated on the world continues.

Their days are numbered now.


The right shoulder …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:41 on June 12, 2024  

… of the massive inverse head and shoulders pattern in the HUI / SPX ratio will soon be complete … with capital flows radically shifting in gold stocks’ favor.

Get ready … this game changing shift in investment flows and psychology will propel precious metal stocks significantly higher in the second half of the year.

Cheers all

First attack starts

Posted by Buygold @ 9:40 on June 12, 2024  

30 seconds into the open and continues.

No attack in the QQQ’s or DOW, dollar not spiking

Just the pm’s and shares. It never ends.

Surely a factor in the USA as well …

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:33 on June 12, 2024  

Why did the youth vote for AfD? Famed German mayor says the youth are dealing with mass migration ‘on the street, on the bus, at the train station, in the schoolyard’

Why did the youth vote for AfD? Famed German mayor says the youth are dealing with mass migration ‘on the street, on the bus, at the train station, in the schoolyard’

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.