OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 17:01 on June 9, 2024  

We could well have a summer pause in the bull…..sparked by these events in Europe, as the parties winning all the elections are all anti the Nut Zero madness….driven by their voters, I might add, so there is no backing away from calming the rush..or even stopping it……

Further out we could well see the collapse of the scum and their mkt games…which will expose the massive shorting in PM’s and no metal in ETF’s etc…..there are loads of heavy reason we could see $ 600 Ag etc…..

Micron gets thrashed in Euro elections and calls a a parlimentary election in panic

Posted by Maddog @ 16:55 on June 9, 2024  

and if his party get thrashed the same by Le Pen…then life in Europe becomes very diffrent and maybe thank God WW III get puts back in it’s bunker……

Maddog @ 7:56

Posted by Captain Hook @ 15:13 on June 9, 2024  

China and India (two notables) are not about to slow their EV growth if it provides the cover to keep buying PMs, which they are doing to formulate the backdrop for a grand BRICS rollout this fall.

After that it will be catchup for everybody else. (Imagine if western countries are forced to buy.) This will go on for years … especially for silver because they have been hypothecating for so many years.

$600 silver is on the way … minimum … starting in July.

At least that’s the way I’m playing it because much like what happened post the Y2K bubble in 2000, once the larger equity complex is shellacked next year a la 4-year cycle (Presidential Cycle – think lower currency debasement rates crashing stocks) dynamics, the next inflation should be something in the order of $10 trillion just in the USA – and that’s going to spur a crack-up boom in commodity prices never seen before.

Cheers all


Posted by MetalsGuy @ 14:03 on June 9, 2024  

I know what WHO said, but this one from the Mexican health ministry is more recent.
Disclaimer: I don’t trust WHO. 😉

Metals guy

Posted by goldielocks @ 13:12 on June 9, 2024  



Posted by MetalsGuy @ 11:54 on June 9, 2024  

No bird flu in Mexico.


Posted by goldielocks @ 8:46 on June 9, 2024  

The PMs yep, hard to say or it can go like  a richter scale scribbling a few points up a few points down anf play day trading game here and there before the big one.

Right now insiders in gov are playing get ready for hurricane season selling insurance companies and buying building supplies but so far it’s working against them. No wonder Pento from Florida said his insurance went way up. Maybe insiders got the crop report first.


Posted by goldielocks @ 8:00 on June 9, 2024  

I guess I wasn’t in a stressed enough zone to remember seeing that before but pretty creative quotes. I suppose it could be considered parroting. Like the end is near. Parroting to me vs quoting is more in the zone of things like COVID vaccines is safe and effective. Why because Fauci is science… fiction. Ivermectin is horse medicine. Nay said one horse to another, they had no horse sense.

This time I do feel it though, and my mind keeps going back to 911 and the towers falling. Thinking of all the people who suffered, the people who did not line up to drink the Kool Aid with willful ignorance but we’re forced to choose the way they will die with fire burning their lungs with every breath they took or jump out a window and wait for that sudden stop as their only choices all because of certain cretins who got in the government in a first world nation with a third world mentality. Just smart enough to abuse and exploit others on a third world level at the first world’s expense for nothing, because it won’t change anything about them or the first world for the better because now they’re still third world level and can add depraved cowards acting like tough guys at someone else’s expense and totally dismiss the victims they make to do it. It’s kinda like that feeling of the Towers but you can’t see it other than the detriment to this country or know where it is you just feel it, like something coming and it isnt Eli. But you might guard your heart though.

Meanwhile the vaxed who woke up are slowly starting to ask questions. One of my friends is asking me more and more many times repeating myself about what it was, how it works, how it can harm you, how the Ivermectin works, then relays it to others also asking. Just yesterday again on the phone a hour. She’s trying not to be scared about what the side effects can do and why she didn’t want to think about it.
Now threatening the bird flu scare but the kind they’re talking about isn’t easy to get less they put it in a lab but seeing the symptoms of a rare case in Mexico point to keeping the person hydrated with electrolytes and guarding symptomatically any ongoing health issues and not waiting till severe malice to get help.
I think I feel something like the Palestinian citizens feel like the bombing just never stops. I could only stop caring if my heart grew black like theirs.


EU elections

Posted by Maddog @ 7:56 on June 9, 2024  

There are EU election for MEP’s going on right across Europe and in Holland Wilders has done very well, as have the Farmer party….most elections are today and the polls say that anti immigration and anit Nut Zero parties are gonna sweep the results.

It may not happen immediately….but an awfull lot of the Nut Zero policies are gonna get scrapped over time….this is probably hitting Copper and Silver…..MEP’s don’t have much power…but these results will point the way Country elections go.

Long term I see inflation running prices way up, as the clowns will print and print…but we may have a near term sell off…..

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 4:11 on June 9, 2024  

Rocky Mountains, by train



Posted by Maya @ 4:09 on June 9, 2024  

Where ya been?  Richard has been parroting that plagiarized line since the last century!  It only comes out at times of extreme stress, though.  I even had some crusted volcano images to go with it way back when.


Posted by goldielocks @ 1:21 on June 9, 2024  

Wow I didn’t know you were such a creative writer. Action writer no less. And here I thought I might do some day trading here and there in the weeks ahead. You should write a action movie. It would be quite exciting and un-woke. I would watch it.


Posted by Richard640 @ 22:29 on June 8, 2024  
The end is nigh, brother, the end is nigh! 
World markets are like a pie crust stretched across the roof of a volcano!
Fu Manchu is about to pull the lever to the trap door!
Warbucks signals the trusty  Punjab to cut the cords of the rope bridge!
Grease the skids! Happy tobogganing!

All speculation FWIW

Posted by goldielocks @ 21:37 on June 8, 2024  

Fed will cut rates in July instead of September.


Captain Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:19 on June 8, 2024  

The juniors have always seem to a drag on the sector. They’re like a canary in a coal mine more suspectable to the economic changes. They’re faced with a lot of adversity with current stagflation the left have caused and more cash limited and can tend to go into survival mode and liquidate, stunting their future growth keeping them or perhaps forcing them to stay juniors forever. They have something familiar with these developing nations in that in a bull market certain sectors can move up the fastest but any change even temporary they can go down the fastest because they tend to be exploited as a friend in need by others in greed because it doesn’t cost them as much then is something changes and no longer in need the developing company with limited cash has no safety nets. Many of them are also working in those countries. So you can’t blame all the companies that have good management but bad players around while the other times are currently economically working against them.

American companies with changing one sided wokeness cannibalizing as well as Europe more will struggle because the current system have abandoned the concept from stepping forward to help out to deceiving malicious intent to exploit them for their own profit. So now these companies have become get rich quick schemes by governments as well that in the end will leave the companies and counties broke and rinse and repeat until it’s gone because it’s so volatile and safety nets are non-existent. What bothers me is these badly run companies who exploit people in the same manor like lithium mines in Africa paying pennies on the dollar for that horrid work and getting all that on their skin eyes and lungs even children living pay check to pay check getting nowhere and they call them poor because their lazy. What a oxymoron.

TXSE this time might be different, a bigger cowboy in town wearing a white hat

Posted by goldielocks @ 15:42 on June 8, 2024  

Lee told The Wall Street Journal that the TXSE is apolitical, but the publication noted there have been rumors among traders of an “anti-woke” exchange being launched in the state. Though the company’s press release did not detail all of its investors, Citadel’s CEO Ken Griffin openly criticized “woke ideology” in Chicago’s schools in November 2022. Citadel’s global headquarters moved from Chicago to Miami in late 2022, reportedly due in part to crime rates and rising taxes. Earlier this year, Griffin stopped his donations to Harvard University and said he was worried elite students are becoming “whiny snowflakes,” also telling Bloomberg in mid-May that his endorsement of former President Donald Trump is contingent on his choice of a running mate. However, BlackRock has been viewed as “woke capitalism” by conservative groups, which have in turn targeted and attacked the company and CEO Larry Fink.
We estimate Griffin to be worth about $32.7 billion. We estimate Fink to be worth about $1.2 billion.


Yes that could be a game changer …

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:15 on June 8, 2024  

… for PM shares … especially for juniors if they can list.

Because shorting rules are likely not going to favor the manipulative big boys … at least not at first.

And heaven knows the juniors are being suppressed to keep excitement out of the sector right now.

What’s more, this should open up the market in terms of capital and awareness.

Replacing or simply adding to the alternatives of the current broken markets like Canada’s can only be a good thing.

Great news

Macron is goin down

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:49 on June 8, 2024  

Macron Faces Crushing Defeat In EU Elections

According to Wednesday’s opinion poll by IFOP-Fiducial, Macron’s party has been unable to improve four days before the European Parliament elections, standing unchanged at 15 percent. At the same time, Marine Le Pen’s party is polling at 33 percent. No governing party in France has lost by such a humiliating margin since 1979, the first European Parliament elections on party lists. True, it is also rare for a governing party to win what can be considered a roughly midterm election; the last time this happened was in 2009 when then President Nicolas Sarkozy won the EU parliament election.


This is awesome Don’t mess with Texas

Posted by goldielocks @ 9:46 on June 8, 2024  

After all if your going to succeed you’ll need your own stock exchange.

Texas to rival NYSE opening their own stock exchange.

Agenda 21

Posted by goldielocks @ 2:46 on June 8, 2024  

Read by N Pelosi in 1992 to share with anyone who calls it a conspiracy theory. Jf they want to depopulate up to 2/3 s of the population what up with open borders increasing housing demand and strain on environment? I guess they need to votes then worry about it.

Jeff Berwick – Third Reich NaZi(onists), Flirting with Death, Apocalyptic Bird Flu!

Posted by silverngold @ 0:41 on June 8, 2024  

From another site but very interesting presentation and covers about every current event you can think of.

Bear trap?

Posted by Buygold @ 17:36 on June 7, 2024  

Not sure I’ve ever seen one in the pm sector. Would be nice to see and a big surprise. There wasn’t a lick of covering into the close. A little in the AH, but they have the metals on the ropes, hard to see any positive movement especially going into the Fed meeting.

After 23 years, I still know nothing.

Maddog @ 13:39

Posted by Captain Hook @ 16:18 on June 7, 2024  

Yes, I don’t see this intervention lasting long.

They will get caught in the lies as they always do.

Good weekend all.

Get out and enjoy nature.

Mr. Copper

Posted by deer79 @ 15:43 on June 7, 2024  

And I think the ever growing roles of CTA’s help to exacerbate and manufacture bigger “swings” in financial assets.

How many times, over the years, have we heard that the metals are being sold to “raise cash?”

CTAs use a variety of techniques to generate profits for their clients. These strategies can include trend-following, mean reversion, and discretionary trading. Trend-following CTAs identify and exploit trends in the market, while mean reversion CTAs look for instances where asset prices deviate from their long-term averages and aim to profit from their subsequent reversion.

Possible Bear Trap, Re Gold and Silver??

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:37 on June 7, 2024  

A bear trap occurs when the price of a financial asset appears to be on a steady decline. This leads investors to expect a further drop, and they short-sell to profit from the continuing downtrend. The trap is now set: instead of continuing to fall, the price suddenly reverses and goes back up.

Comment: We’ve seen that a few times lately. Today it just seems more extreme. Maybe because its Friday and futures traders are afraid to hold during a weekend.

I think the same thing happened with Nat Gas etf BOIL. It started climbing, then started falling, and it reversed. I bought some on the first up day, on 6/3 and I’m up 13%. So far LOL.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.